Posted by John Thornhill | 2017 Mar 07 20:34 -0500 GMT
Update: Pendragon is now open to all players!
The Pendragon test server will be coming down tomorrow, March 8th, at 2:00 PM EST / 7:00 PM GMT to deliver a crash fix and some additional mouse-related updates to Pendragon!
Here are the additional changes:
Fixed a crash bug in some behind-the-scenes guild processes.
Several fixes were implemented to alleviate issues for players who used left-click and right-click mouse keybinds as gameplay functions (such as auto-run, stick, face, etc.).
These fixes should enable these players to use the mouse as they currently do on live (or very close to it).
If you bind any gameplay functions to your mouse's left or right-click we implore you to login to Pendragon and test these changes and submit any issues you have to the feedback form!
Added a /keyboard window setting to enable or disable the "move forward" keybind from breaking auto-run.
The default setting will be that auto-run is NOT broken by the "move forward" key.
Custom UI developers should look at the key_config.xml window in the UI/Atlantis folder to see the new setting and add it to any custom key_config.xml windows.
Mouselook is now automatically turned off when bringing up the /keyboard window.
Tooltips will no longer draw when in mouse look or mouse pan modes.
The /keyboard window no longer allows mouse clicks to go through the window.
This means targeting, mouse-turning, or mouse-panning will no longer happen if the initial click happens while the cursor is hovering over the /keyboard window.
You can check out the consolidated and up-to-date Pendragon notes by clicking the patch notes image below!
Important Note:
We highly suggest separating out your normal game directory from your Pendragon game directory *before* patching and testing on Pendragon.
If you do not do this, you *will* experience issues when patching back to live.
To force the live client to fix these issues, you will need to delete the mft.myp in your game's directory and run the patcher again.
For those interested in testing on Pendragon, follow the character copy process here!
Posted by John Thornhill | 2017 Mar 03 08:59 -0500 GMT
Thank you very much for the feedback submitted about patch 1.122C! It sounds like overall we are on the right track with these changes. While there are a few more self-explanatory pet tweaks and general bug fixes below, there is one issue from the original 1.122C notes that warrants a bit more explanation: the weapon pet-proc changes.
We’ve received and reviewed the feedback on both sides of the matter. Some stating that they would enjoy their caster and support classes much more without these random pet-procs; as well as looking forward to a return to class-focused gameplay instead of item-focused. While others have been highlighting certain combat situations where these weapons provide some much-needed utility, especially in smaller scale fights.
As such, we feel that bringing the weapon pet-procs back at a reduced power than what exists on Live is a solid compromise to both viewpoints until we can revisit them and other item-based abilities in patch 1.123.
The following notes are now up on Pendragon and are also edited into the original 1.122C notes HERE.
All weapons on all realms that once had proccing pets have had their procs changed as follows. The affected weapons are:
Traitor’s Dagger
Pet proc remains. Duration reduced to 15s. Vampiric Mist damage increased slightly.
Astral Blade of Illusions
Pet proc remains. Duration reduced from 15s to 8s. Proc can still not be used in Mobile Stance on light tanks.
Damage over time proc remains.
Astral Mace of Illusions
Pet proc remains. Duration reduced from 15s to 8s. Proc can still not be used in Mobile Stance on light tanks.
Damage over time proc remains.
Astral Hammer of Illusions
Pet proc remains. Duration reduced from 15s to 8s. Proc can still not be used in Mobile Stance on light tanks.
Damage over time proc remains.
Astral Conflagrant Sword/Hatchet
Now procs 115 essence direct damage.
Damage over time proc remains.
Astral Mephitic Fang
The essence direct damage proc has been reduced from 150 to 115 damage.
Disease proc remains.
Astral Voltaic Great Sword
Pet proc remains.
Damage from the storm proc has been reduced from 95 to 35 essence direct damage.
Damage from the storm proc pet has been reduced from 85 to 25 essence direct damage.
150 essence direct damage proc remains.
Astral Voltaic Great Hammer
Pet proc remains.
Damage from the storm proc has been reduced from 95 to 35 essence direct damage.
Damage from the storm proc pet has been reduced from 85 to 25 essence direct damage.
150 essence direct damage proc remains.
Astral Voltaic War Pick
Pet proc remains.
Damage from the storm proc has been reduced from 95 to 35 essence direct damage.
Damage from the storm proc pet has been reduced from 85 to 25 essence direct damage.
150 essence direct damage proc remains.
Astral Voltaic Spear/Polearm
Pet proc remains.
Damage from the storm proc has been reduced from 95 to 35 essence direct damage.
Damage from the storm proc pet has been reduced from 85 to 25 essence direct damage.
150 essence direct damage proc remains.
Virge of Forgotten Souls
Now procs a debuff that reduces the target’s casting speed by 75% for 25 seconds.
Discarded Red Cap Hammer
Now procs a debuff that reduces the target’s casting speed by 75% for 25 seconds.
Unseelie Harvester
Now procs a debuff that reduces the target’s casting speed by 75% for 25 seconds.
Nevermore’s Broken Bone
Pet proc remains. Duration reduced to 8s.
Ice Shard
Now directly procs a 3 second snare that ignores root immunity.
Bug Fixes
Champion’s strength/constitution and dexterity/quickness line of self-buffs no longer overwrite concentration and supremacy potion buffs.
Champion’s strength/constitution and dexterity/quickness self-buffs now have a casting animation.
Note that Champion’s will need to respec to their Valor specialization to see this fix.
Champion’s strength/constitution and dexterity/quickness self-buff should no longer trigger a 2s cast timer after the cast is completed.
Friar’s Grandmaster Staffman self-buff should no longer trigger a 2s cast timer after their casts are completed.
Warden’s self-health regen buff should no longer be overwritten by Bards’ health regen chant.
Omni-regen potions should no longer overwrite concentration-based health regen buffs from Clerics.
Class Balance
Bone Legion (Bone Army specialization)
Pets have changed as follows:
Fossil Mystic
Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 75%.
Fossil Healer
Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 75%.
Fossil Conjurer
Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 75%.
Fossil Seer
Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 75%.
Spirit Animation
Pets have changed as follows:
Ruby Simulacrum
Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 100%.
Sapphire Simulacrum
No longer has had its damage taken increased by 25%.
Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 100%.
Enchantments (Baseline)
Pets have changed as follows:
Underhill Stalker
Anytime style no longer has a bleed effect.
This ability was interrupting every tick.
Underhill Companion
Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 100%.
Underhill Ally
No longer has had its damage taken increased by 25%.
Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 100%.
Underhill Zealot
Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 75%.
Death Servant (Baseline)
Pets have changed as follows:
Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 100%.
The Phantom version of this pet has had its disease’s snare value reduced from 70% to 35%.
Priest of Arawn
No longer has had its damage taken increased by 25%.
Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 100%.
Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 100%.
Summoning (Baseline)
Pets have changed as follows:
Spirit Hunter
Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 100%.
Spirit Runemaster
Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 100%.
Spirit Shaman
No longer has had its damage taken increased by 25%.
Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 100%.
Spirit Valkyrie
Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 100%. Will give up casting and attack after 3 failed attempts.
Posted by John Thornhill | 2017 Feb 27 14:55 -0500 GMT
Update: Pendragon is now up, check out the 1.122C Pendragon Test Server Notes here or by clicking the image below!
The Pendragon test server will be coming down tomorrow, February 28th, at 2:00 PM EST / 7:00 PM GMT to deliver the 1.122C Patch!
The notes will follow when Pendragon is back online.
Important Note:
We highly suggest separating out your normal game directory from your Pendragon game directory *before* patching and testing on Pendragon.
If you do not do this, you *will* experience issues when patching back to live.
To force the live client to fix these issues, you will need to delete the mft.myp in your game's directory and run the patcher again.
For those interested in testing on Pendragon, follow the character copy process here!

Posted by Community | 2017 Jan 17 18:21 -0500 GMT
The following changes are now live!
Instruments should now lose their durability much less frequently as before.
There was an issue causing instruments to lose durability much faster in conjunction with running several songs at once.
The new weapon from Jack Frost, the Ice Shard, has had its slow duration reduced to 3 seconds.
Ice Shards are now only usable by level 50 characters.
Midgard’s Ice Shard is now an Axe weapon instead of a Sword.
This change allows it to be used in the offhand like the other realms.
Class Changes
The Underhill Stalker has had two styles removed:
Achilles Heel and Leaper
These styles caused the armor wither effect, which lead to massive hits on targets while Summon Mastery (ML9) was active. With these styles removed, the stalker's damage should be more in-line with the other melee-DPS pets in the other realms.
Otherwise, we are happy with the DPS pets' damage as these pets are extremely weak to both physical and magical attacks, and gain no defensive bonuses even while under the effects of Summon Mastery (ML9).
Arawn’s Legion pet limit has been reduced to 12, down from 16.
Please note these pets are instantly destroyed with confusion spells (Skald, Runemaster, Healer, Bard, Mentalist, Warden).
These pets are vulnerable to all forms of crowd control.
Gates of Valhalla pet limit has been reduced to 24, down from 32.
Please note these pets are instantly destroyed with confusion spells (Sorcerer, Minstrel, Friar, Bard, Mentalist, Warden).
These pets are vulnerable to all forms of crowd control.
Developer's note:
Overall, we are very happy with the pet-based class' performance. Prior to 1.122 pet-based classes had static and uninspired pets and pet abilities that made their pets more after-thoughts than class-defining roles. With 1.122 we wanted there to be a real choice among the different pets with each pet type being useful and unique. In many ways this has been accomplished. However, the melee-DPS pets seem to be a bit too popular still. As we monitor this latest round of fixes, we are looking at some additional adjustments in the coming weeks that will help the other pet types' performance.
In addition, we would like to announce that class balance related tweaks and adjustments will be coming more frequently and more often as Hot Fixes, going forward. This allows us to more nimbly respond to your feedback to address any imbalances and allows us to perform more gradual improvements in shorter timespans. Major class balance changes will still be part of major patch versions (read: with downtime) but tweaks to classes, in the form of Hot Fixes, should be expected every 3-5 weeks throughout the year from now on.
We've addressed the stealther archetypes, light-tank archetypes, and pet-classes extensively over the previous two patch cycles and so Hot Fix adjustments between now and the next major update will be focused in those areas; however, we will be looking at hybrids and the lesser-used support lines in the next major version. Speaking of the next major version, as discussed in the end of the year podcast, one of its major focal points will be on adjusting /uses and procs on gear so that class abilities once again matter more than the procs or abilities found on a character's equipment.
Finally, we'll be outlining our full plan for the 1.123 version (and beyond) in the coming weeks with a Producer's letter and newsletter. There are some big updates on the way and we're very excited to unveil them to you!
Posted by John Thornhill | 2016 Dec 23 16:02 -0500 GMT
One last Hot Fix before the holidays. Stay safe and enjoy the holidays!
Class Changes
The Amber Simulacrum pet's style damage has been reduced very slightly.
The Underhill Stalker pet's style damage has been reduced very slightly.
The instant taunt line of spells once again interrupts enemy players properly.
The Plated Fiend pet's spirit-form style damage has been reduced very slightly.
Painworking Specialization
The Death Shredder pet's style damage has been reduced very slightly.
The Villainous Strike anytime style has had its damage reduced from Medium to Low.
The Frozen Edge rear style has had its damage reduced from High to Medium.
The Deathseeker follow-up style has had its damage increased and its damage-over-time effect removed.
The following instant damage over time spells' values have had their damage adjusted:
Level 37 - Freezing Clench reduced from 64/tick to 54/tick
Netherbane's damage over time proc has been converted to a direct damage proc.
It now delves for 150 cold damage.
The slow portion of the proc remains unchanged.
All versions of the summoned Icebrand weapon's cold direct damage procs have had their damage reduced.
Death Servant Specialization
The single-target snare nuke no longer applies its snare on root-immune targets.
The instant taunt line of spells once again interrupts enemy players properly.
The Spirit Valkyrie pet's style damage has been reduced very slightly.
Posted by John Thornhill | 2016 Dec 20 12:28 -0500 GMT
A few more tweaks and bug fixes to announce this fine Tuesday. Thank you all for the excellent feedback on the patch!
The difficulty of the Frozen Caverns' challenge mode has been reduced.
The mechanics of the encounter remain the same but some of Jack Frost's damage has been toned down slightly.
Class Changes
Several pets have been fixed to correctly take magic damage.
All of the Mythirians from the Frozen Caverns instance can now be equipped correctly.
The Speed of Sound Realm Ability no longer drops when hit by certain Slow abilities.
All other slows were already correctly not affecting Speed of Sound.
The Amber Simulacrum pet's run speed has been reduced slightly.
The Underhill Stalker pet's run speed has been reduced slightly.
The Plated Fiend pet's run speed has been reduced slightly.
Painworking Specialization
The debuff value on the Frozen Edge rear style has been reduced from 45% to 35%.
The Deathseeker follow-up style has been adjusted as follows:
Its damage has been reduced from 100/tick to 75/tick.
Its frequency has been reduced from 2s/tick to 2.5s/tick.
Its duration remains at 10s.
The following instant damage over time spells' values have had their damage adjusted:
Level 37 - Freezing Clench reduced from 74/tick to 64/tick
Level 47 - Freezing Howl reduced from 132/tick to 112/tick
Netherbane's damage over time proc has been adjusted as follows:
Its damage has been reduced from 185/tick to 145/tick.
Its frequency has been reduced from 2s/tick to 2.5s/tick.
Its duration remains at 10s.
The Spirit Valkyrie pet's run speed has been reduced slightly.
Posted by John Thornhill | 2016 Dec 14 17:51 -0500 GMT
Midwinter is almost upon us and that means its time for the annual festivities... but first, here are some quick Hot Fix notes for you!
Class Balance
The Dread Lord pet rear stun style's duration has been reduced from 9s to 6s.
The amber simulacrum pet has had its defenses reduced.
This means the pet will die much faster than before to melee damage, making this a higher risk/reward pet.
Its offensive damage remains unchanged.
The self strength/constituion and dexterity/quickness combination buff should now properly buff both effects even when sheared of one effect.
The Enchantment of Mana buff has been changed as follows:
The proc rate has been reduced from 100% to 33%
The pbaoe damage proc now scales with the level of the Enchanter.
This results in lower damage values before level 50.
The damage from the level 50 version remains unchanged at 275.
The Enchantment of Zeal buff has been changed as follows:
Its re-use timer has been increased from 5m to 10m.
The Heal Effectiveness buffs have had their durations reduced from 45s to 30s.
The underhill stalker pet has had its defenses reduced.
This means the pet will die much faster than before to melee damage, making this a higher risk/reward pet.
Its offensive damage remains unchanged.
The level 50 Deathsight ability, Bringer of Death, has had its duration reduced from 30s to 20s.
The Chthonic Form's hitpoint and armor factor increase once again stacks with other HP/AF increasing abilities like the Spear of King's /use.
The Chthonic Form's AF buff is now given out below level 50 at the following levels and values:
Level 20-34 receives a 25 AF buff
Level 35-44 receives a 75 AF buff
Level 45-49 receives a 125 AF buff
Level 50 receives the same 250 AF buff
The plated fiend pet has had its defenses reduced.
This means the pet will die much faster than before to melee damage, making this a higher risk/reward pet.
Its offensive damage remains unchanged.
The spirit valkyrie pet has had its defenses reduced.
This means the pet will die much faster than before to melee damage, making this a higher risk/reward pet.
Its offensive damage remains unchanged.
The level 50 Immolation lifetap will now only heal the Valewalker and its group one time when used.
Posted by John Thornhill | 2016 Dec 09 16:31 -0500 GMT
Get your Hot Fix fix before the weekend!
Several quests' text has been adjusted to direct players to the strength relic towns instead of Caer Berkstead, Nottmoor Faste, or Dun Crimthainn for turn-ins.
The Chapter 5 of the Otherworlds Campaign now correctly grants credit to groups who are not part of a battlegroup as well as to battlegroups.
The correct Royal Accountant NPCs are now found in each realm's strength relic town.
Realm vs Realm
Keep keys can once again be turned into the supply chests at Caer Berkstead, Nottmoor Faste, and Dun Crimthainn.
Hookpoints on Caer Berkstead, Nottmoor Faste, and Dun Crimthainn towers should once again spawn correctly.
Class Balance
Traitor's Dagger pet procs are now correctly prevented from working in Light Tank pet-proc stance.
The spell icon for the Siege Alacrity chant now appears correctly.
The dread lord's magic resistances have been reduced slightly.
The fossil healer's heal values have been reduced slightly.
All heal-pet target's health thresholds to begin healing have been reduced from 90% health to 75% health.
All heal-pet target's health thresholds to begin healing have been reduced from 90% health to 75% health.
The siege damage, protection and haste chants should properly affect group-mates now.
The Enchantment of Mana buff's delve now correctly indicates that the proc hits the target as well as the targets in its radius.
The Enchantment of Mana delve has been reduced from 325 to 275 damage.
Enchantment of Mana now has a 60s RUT.
All heal-pet target's health thresholds to begin healing have been reduced from 90% health to 75% health.
The Mana Barrier magic ablative line of spells can no longer be right-click removed to avoid the immunity timer.
The siege damage, protection and haste chants should properly affect group-mates now.
Chthonic Form should no longer drop randomly.
Painworking's lower level versions of parry-chance buffs now correctly overwrite the Chthonic Form's innate parry buff.
Nethersbane is now correctly removed from the Necromancer's inventory on logout.
This item is also removed on equip if not 50 painworking specialization.
A bug causing the Death Servant line of bolt spells from doing much more damage than other bolt type spells has been corrected.
The Spirit Form stealth lore detection radius is now affected by the Necromancer's Death Servant specialization.
This will result in lower general detection radius unless fully specialized in Death Servant.
All heal-pet target's health thresholds to begin healing have been reduced from 90% health to 75% health.
The melee tri-resist buff now stacks with item-based melee resist buffs.
The siege damage, protection and haste chants should properly affect group-mates now.
All heal-pet target's health thresholds to begin healing have been reduced from 90% health to 75% health.
Posted by John Thornhill | 2016 Dec 05 19:06 -0500 GMT
Update 2:40 PM EST / 7:40 PM GMT: All servers are back online now!
Please note that the Paladin and Bainshee sections of the patch notes have been updated as of this posting.
All servers will be coming down Tuesday, December 6th at 5:45AM EDT / 10:45AM GMT for patch 1.122B!
Check out the patch notes below!
Posted by John Thornhill | 2016 Dec 01 13:28 -0500 GMT
Update: Pendragon is now up, check out the 1.122b Pendragon Test Server Notes #2 here or by clicking the image below!
The Pendragon test server will be coming down today, December 1st, at 2:00 PM EST / 7:00 PM GMT to deliver some updates and fixes to Patch 1.122B's existing test server notes.
The new notes will follow when Pendragon is back online.
Important Note:
We highly suggest separating out your normal game directory from your Pendragon game directory *before* patching and testing on Pendragon.
If you do not do this, you *will* experience issues when patching back to live.
To force the live client to fix these issues, you will need to delete the mft.myp in your game's directory and run the patcher again.
For those interested in testing on Pendragon, follow the character copy process here!