Video Guides

Stepping Up Your Game: Part 1 - Quickbinds
Created by DAoC Knight Kuji, this video is the first in a series of videos aimed at helping you bring your game to the next level! This video deals with quickbinding.
Stepping Up Your Game: Part 2 - Character Control for Group Play
The second video in DAoC Knight Kuji's series of videos aimed at helping you bring your game to the next level! This video deals with character control for group play.
Stepping Up Your Game: Part 3 - Character Control for Solo & Small Man or Group Play
Part 3 of our Knight's Stepping Up Your Game series covers character control for solo, small man, and group play with hints and tips for working positionals.
Stepping Up Your Game: Assassins Basics - Part 1
DAoC Knight Boxy Brown's video tutorial detailing the different assassins of the three realms, explains composite spec, possible spec lines, and advantages of each class.
Stepping Up Your Game: Assassins Basics - Part 2
DAoC Knight Fugo's assassins video tutorial on swapping weapons, called shots, and poisons.
Created by one of our streamers, smakadop, this video goes over the finer parts of templating your character's gear set to maximise your stats, and what you need to consider when templating your character.

Blocking Bonuses Explained
The video below, created by DAoC Knight Saxona, explains the various blocking bonuses in DAoC.

Crafting Overview
Armor Crafting
Weapon Crafting
Spell Crafting

ToA Glass Quests
Created by our streamers, Bolaksa and Groborthir, these videos guide you through the ToA Glass Quests which give large amounts of experience and glass rewards.