Battleground Quest Guide

BG quests in each BG follow the same idea of 3 quests to either kill x amount of mobs, or run to a certain location. Use your /map as the locations are marked on the map with a red dot. You can get the 3 quests together and do a run, turning in each 3 at the same time. You'll receive more experience for turning in these quests at lower levels, but the experience at the last level for the BG is still amazing. For example, in Leirvik at level 40, you might only need to run these once to ding 42, but at 44 you might need to do them 2 or 3 times, at most, to ding 45. It's still very fast, and very easy leveling. These quests give you Bounty Points along with experience.
You can also get other quests in the BG to kill realm enemies and obtain the highest realm rank for that BG, this is great in the more populated BGs like Molvik, Thidranki and Cathal Valley. BGs also have a Realm Enhancement NPC for buffs, a Hastener and the higher level ones have a water breath NPC and a Siege merchant. There is also a BP merchant where you can buy gear with BPs.
Be aware! You are in a RvR zone and while some BGs are not as popular as others, you still run the risk of being ganked while killing mobs, so be on your guard!
Quests are obtained from a NPC inside the main portal keeps and named below. Please note the NPC names are colored by Realm i.e. red for Albion's NPC, green for Hibernia's NPC, and blue for Midgard's NPC.
KILLALOE - (15-19)

The 3 quests in Killaloe are:
- Kill 5 Boogey Spawns
- Kill 5 Rats
- Kill 5 Clicking Beetles
Your map highlights the locations of each of those mobs. If you want, you can chain one (or two) quest(s) over and over if the location(s) suits you and you don't feel like running around to all 3.
Rewards: XP and 10 Bounty Points per quest
THIDRANKI - (20-24)

The 3 quests in Thidranki are:
- Kill 5 Badgers (Rabid or otherwise)
- Kill 3 Tomte Soldiers (these BAF like crazy and some are stealthed, so be ready for 'em!)
- Kill 5 Clicking Beetles
Your map highlights the locations of each of those mobs. If you want, you can chain one (or two) quest(s) over and over if the location(s) suits you and you don't feel like running around to all 3.
Rewards: XP and 20 Bounty Points per quest
BRAEMAR - (25-29)

The 3 quests in Braemar are:
- Kill 5 Ancient Beech Trees (These roam and BAF a lot, so watch your back)
- Kill 5 Bull Frogs
- Kill 5 Night Hobs (the quest says these only appear at night)
Your map highlights the locations of each of those mobs. If you want, you can chain one (or two) quest(s) over and over if the location(s) suits you and you don't feel like running around to all 3.
Rewards: XP, 6g 84s 23c, 40 Bounty Points (per quest)
WILTON - (30-34)

The 3 quests in Wilton are:
- Kill 8 Mud Frogs
- Kill 8 Fresh Water Koalinths (There are Fresh Water Koalinth Elders in the same location, but these aren't the mobs for the quest and won't count)
- Kill 8 Malignant Wisps
Your map highlights the locations of each of those mobs. If you want, you can chain one (or two) quest(s) over and over if the location(s) suits you and you don't feel like running around to all 3.
Rewards: XP, 16g 4s 80c, 50 Bounty Points (per quest)
MOLVIK - (35-39)

The 3 quests in Molvik are:
- Kill 8 Skulking Ghouls
- Kill 8 Groovewood Trees (These roam and BAF a lot, so watch your back)
- Scout the Midgard/Albion/Hibernian Outpost (Marked on map. Run there, get quest completed notice, turn around and run back - that's it)
Your map highlights the locations of each of those mobs. If you want, you can chain one (or two) quest(s) over and over if the location(s) suits you and you don't feel like running around to all 3.
Rewards: XP, 26g 48s 73c, 60 Bounty Points (per quest)
LEIRVIK - (40-44)

The 3 quests in Leirvik are:
- Kill 8 Savage Koalinths (These are right outside the PK doors, so you could chain this one quest easily)
- Kill 8 Wretched Hagbui
- Scout the Hibernian Outpost (Marked on map. Run there, get quest completed notice, turn around and run back - that's it)
Your map highlights the locations of each of those mobs/the Outpost. If you want, you can chain one (or two) quest(s) over and over if the location(s) suits you and you don't feel like running around to all 3.
Rewards: XP, 24g 0s 44c, 70 Bounty Points (per quest)

The 3 quests in Cathal Valley are:
- Kill 8 Minor Lusus (Watch out for the not so minor Lusus around the same location, they con purple to a level 44)
- Kill 8 Bone-Eaters
- Kill 8 Valley Spiderlings
Your map highlights the locations of each of those mobs/the Outpost. If you want, you can chain one (or two) quest(s) over and over if the location(s) suits you and you don't feel like running around to all 3.
Rewards: XP, 44g 11s 42c, 80 Bounty Points (per quest)
If you're doing these BG's to level - they are really the easiest and fastest way to level - you can stop after Leirvik and head to ToA and do the quests in Aerus.