
Saint Patrick's Day in Old Breifine

Posted by Community | 2025 Mar 16 12:19 -0400 GMT
In celebration of St. Patrick's Day and running from Today, Sunday, March 16th until Tuesday, March 18th, a random-object-generated (ROG) reward awaits those who complete the Hunting Leprechauns quest in Breifine. 

To obtain the quest, level 50s should visit the Leprechaun Hunters:

  • Liam Coinbane in Albion's Portal Keep
  • Finnian Goldseeker in Midgard's Portal Keep
  • Eamon Greencloak in Hibernia's Portal Keep
This quest is one completion per toon. 

Gather Quest

The gather quest to collect Remnants in Breifine has also gotten into the spirit of the season! Aid in the realm's festivities by collecting the party Barrels spread out across Breifine.
Note: Remnants will respawn as Barrels and both will stack in inventory when collected.

For players of all level ranges, there are three pesky little tricksters who are hoping you're not too lucky! A 'charming' reward will be bestowed upon those who have the cunning to out-wit:
  • Killaghe in Albion
  • Daighu in Midgard
  • Iollarme in Hibernia

The "Luck of a Leprechaun" quest can be obtained from the following:
  • Sir Prescott in Cotswold
  • Hrolf in Mularn
  • Epona in Mag Mell

Once again, this event will conclude on Tuesday, March 18th!

We wish you a happy and safe St. Patrick's Day!

OF Breifine Event - Lilith's Return

Posted by Community | 2025 Mar 06 09:06 -0500 GMT
Fragments of the Dark Mother have surfaced in what appears to be an another attempt to enter our world. Perhaps our excavations have somewhat aided her. Regardless, she must not prevail!

Lilith will hear the cry of battle and make her move. Spill the blood of the enemy to force an appearance and put an end to her evil!

Players can now speak with the OF Emain Teleporter in their realm's main relic town for entry into Old Frontiers Breifine. OF Breifine has a 50% realm point bonus in the zone.

Lilith's Return

Players can speak with the Emain macha Teleporter to receive the quest: [Breifine] Lilith's Return

  • This quest auto completes and auto renews
  • Quest completion provides area credit to all realms
  • The group that gets the deathblow on Lilith will receive a higher realm point reward than those in the credit area
  • Realm point value for both deathblow credit and area credit have been reduced, but are still increased by bonuses
  • Lilith does not have a timed spawn - She'll show up when enough players have been killed to summon her.

Player Kill Quests

Players can speak with the Emain Macha Teleporter to receive the quest: [Breifine] Call to Fury. This quest auto completes and players will receive the next quest in this quest chain:

  • [Breifine] Call to Fury - kill 15 enemies while grouped, or 5 enemies while solo - auto completes - awards 5,000 RPS and 2,000 BPS
  • [Breifine] Call to Chaos - kill 30 enemies while grouped, or 10 enemies while solo - auto completes - awards 10,000 RPS and 5,000 BPS
  • [Breifine] Call to Reckoning - kill 75 enemies while grouped, or 25enemies while solo - auto completes - awards 25,000 RPS and 8,000 BPS
  • [Breifine] Call to Supremacy - kill 100 enemies while grouped, or 35 enemies while solo - auto completes - awards 34,000 RPS and 15,000 BPS - starts quest chain over again
  • These quests are not affected by bonuses
  • These quests are not available on Gaheris


Players can speak with the Emain Macha Teleporter to receive the quest: [Breifine] Finding Remnants

  • This is a gather quest
  • Remnants are located around the outside of each keep in the zone
  • This quest auto completes and auto renews, and is affected by bonuses

Lilith's Return event ends Tuesday, March 18th, 2025.

Ywain Server Downtime - Maintenance

Posted by Community | 2025 Feb 24 14:18 -0500 GMT
Update 11:15 AM EDT: All Ywain Servers are back online!

All Ywain servers will be coming down tomorrow Tuesday, February 25th, at 07:00 AM EDT / 1PM CET for maintenance.

This maintenance is expected to take several hours, and we will update this post when the servers are back online.

Thank you.

Gaheris Server Downtime - Maintenance

Posted by Community | 2025 Feb 17 13:35 -0500 GMT
Update: 12:15PM: Gaheris server is back online!

The Gaheris server will be coming down tomorrow Tuesday, February 18th, at 08:00 AM EDT / 2PM CET for maintenance.

This maintenance is expected to take several hours, and we will update this post when Gaheris is back online.

Thank you.

Valentine's Event

Posted by Community | 2025 Feb 13 10:02 -0500 GMT
Love is in the air as we celebrate the return of our Valentine's Day event! Defeat the Golden Lovers as they return to wreak havoc and earn your Heart Shield!
Valentine's event will run from today, Thursday February 13th, until Tuesday, February 18th. 


Valentine's Day Event 

  • A Matter of the Heart: This quest will give players of all realms the chance find the imp, Russel, located mainland side of Castle Sauvage/Druim Ligen/Svasud Faste. Complete the offered tasks from the local imp's union in return for a Lawn Cupid trophy, experience, and coin. Be sure to speak to Lady Payne and earn your ROG Valentine's Ring or Bracer as well!
    • ​Whitman will only provide the One-Time-Drop Valentine's Day Present to characters who have not completed the quest: "[OTD] Valentine's Day Present".
  • Keeping Company: This quest will be offered to characters level 45 and above and will have a unique challenge for players in Albion, Midgard, and Hibernia.  As a reward, players will receive a Tiny Compatriot Crate, experience, and coin. Visit Lailen in Jordheim, Pondar Cully in Camelot, and Harris MacCullogh in Tir na Nog to start the quest.
  • Valentine's Traditions: These quests will offer three old style quests which were part of the original Dark Age of Camelot Valentine's Day content. Players will be able to complete the quest up to eight times, which is based on the number of times the original quest has been offered.  Players will be rewarded with a Hearts Cloak, Heart-Shaped Box, experience, and coin. Visit  Rumdor in Mag Mell, Hrolf in Mularn, or Sir Prescott in Camelot Hills to begin the quest!

Valentine's Day: Love's Shield

As the Valentine's Day festivities spread across the realm, whispers of a sinister presence emanating from the Hibernian Maze have once again surfaced. Tales tell of a malevolent pair, their love steeped in darkness, spreading chaos and corruption as they revel in their twisted affection.

The golden lovers mini event has begun! Players can visit the following NPC's to obtain the quest [Valentine's] Love's Shield:

  • Albion: Lady Idris in Catterick Hamlet
  • Hibernia: Yda Llonwy in Crair Treflan
  • Midgard: Fathor in Godrborg

This quest may be completed once per character, and is a battlegroup encounter. Defeat Solerila 5 times, or finish the [Daily] Roaming with Friends quest twice to complete the quest.

Quest rewards:

  • Heart shaped shield!
  • 50% Realm Point Bonus Potion (3 charges)
  • 5,000 Bounty Points
  • 5,000 Realm Points

Additionally, Solabas drops the ROG Solabas' Bracer, and Solerila drops the ROG Solerila's Ring. These ROG's are similar to the St. Patrick's Day event ROGs.


  • Due to the current Map Fragments event, Solerila and Solabas have moved to the hill overlooking the Hibernian maze graveyard.
  • Players who completed this quest last year can complete it again this year and obtain the shield.

Valentine's day: Love's End

This quest allows players who complete the Love's Shield quest to continue to take part in the event. Love's End requires players to defeat Solerila 3 times, auto completes but does not auto renew.

  • Awards 5,000 realm points and 5,000 bounty points.
  • The quest is available from the same NPC's once Love's Shield is completed.


Note: players will need to repatch their client to embrace the love in all it's glory!


Account Center Maintenance

Posted by Community | 2025 Feb 11 14:58 -0500 GMT
Update: 11:00 PM EDT / 05:00 CET  -  Our maintenance has concluded, and the Account Center is once again available. Thank you!

The Account Center will be going through some maintenance today from 2PM EDT / 8PM CET.  We expect this maintenance window to persist for several hours.

This post will be updated accordingly.

Account Center - Credit Card Subscription System Upgrades

Posted by Community | 2025 Jan 29 18:22 -0500 GMT
New credit card subscriptions will be temporarily disabled from 4PM EST / 10PM CET Thursday, January 30th, 2025 until Thursday, February 6th, 2025 while we upgrade our card payment system. This includes reactivating closed game accounts and upgrading Endless Conquest accounts. Existing subscriptions and renewal subscriptions will not be affected.

Game time codes may still be used to reactivate closed accounts and upgrade Endless Conquest accounts. If you have a game time code to use, please visit the Account Center and select Activate Key to apply it to your account.  If you need to purchase a game time code, please visit the EA Store for Dark Age of Camelot add-ons.

If you have further questions, please contact our Customer Support Billing Department, and they will assist you.

Thank you for your patience.

Map Fragments Event

Posted by Community | 2025 Jan 09 08:19 -0500 GMT
As Midwinter comes to an end, the Royal Cartographer is shaking off the cold and requires your assistance in resuming work on his masterpiece maps!

Players may visit the Royal Cartographer in their realm's relic town or capital city to receive two quests.

[Map Fragments] Plundering Maps

  • Assist the Royal Cartographer in gathering intel for his work and be rewarded with 2,500 realm points for each completion, plus earn fragments that can be spent on your choice of valuable rewards! (max 5,000 fragments per character)
    • Earn the Ellan Vannin Map Trophy for your first quest completion - use it to plan out combat tactics or to bring just the right look to your favorite room in your house!
    • Want to build a full-blown war room? We've got you covered there too! Choose to unlock one, two, or all three of the realm Frontier Map trophies!
    • The Royal Cartographers store has been updated to include items such as a 10-charge 100% Realm Point bonus potion, new morph potions, trophy boxes, and more!
    • Trophy boxes info page will display the possible trophies in each box. 1 trophy per box /use.
  • This quest is no longer a daily quest and is now repeatable.
  • The quest requires players to kill 5 treasure hunters plus either 8 enemy players or 3 enemy players while solo. Gaheris note: On Gaheris this quest requires players to kill 15 treasure hunters.
  • Treasure hunters are located at the maze and near the coast line of Caer Sursbrooke, Hlidskialf Faste, or Dun da Behnn.
  • Credit for killing enemy players can be obtained anywhere in the Frontiers.
  • The event area in which the event is active will rotate on a weekly basis, beginning with Albion's maze and coast.

[Map Fragments] Treasure Hunting

This is a repeatable gather quest requiring players to find 7 treasure chests at the realm's maze area.This quest awards realm and bounty points and will auto-complete, but will not auto-renew. 

Sometimes the cake is not a cake! Treasure chests can be deceiving. One may find a random surprise when gathering these chests in the form of a King's Chest (2 /uses)!
  • A note about MTX Race/Name/Gender Respecs: Please remember that accounts can only have one of each respec active at a time. If you should be awarded a Race, Name, or Gender respec, it is recommended that you use it prior to using additional charges of the chest or collecting treasure on other characters. They do not stack!

The Trophy event will conclude on February 20th, 2025.

Twelve Days of Midwinter

Posted by Community | 2024 Dec 21 01:26 -0500 GMT
The 21st of December is here, and what better way to celebrate the holiday spirit than grabbing some gifts from our Twelve Days of Midwinter gift giveaway!

On the first day of Midwinter, Broadsword gave to me...

  • Login to the game and visit the following NPCs to receive a special reward each day!
    • Albion: Santa Nicholas in Castle Sauvage
    • Midgard: Kris Kringle in Svasud Faste
    • Hibernia: Daidi na Nollag in Druim Ligen
  • Speak with the above NPCs to reveal your reward for each day.
    • Each day's reward will be revealed around 5:30 AM EST / 11:30 AM CET and last the remainder of that day.
    • In order to obtain your gifts, you must have the required number of inventory slots available for that day’s rewards.
    • In some cases, a multi-item reward will be stackable, and will require only one free inventory slot. Please refer to the list below for the days which will require more than 1 free slot:
      • Day 2 – Requires 2 free inventory slots
      • Day 4 – Requires 4 free inventory slots
      • Day 5 – Requires 5 free inventory slots
      • Day 9 – Requires 3 free inventory slots
  • If you’ve skipped one or more days, you will be granted each previous missed day’s rewards in addition to the gifts for that day.
    • If you wait until the twelfth and last day of the giveaway to receive your gifts, you will need 22 available inventory slots, so please make sure that you have enough free space!
  • These rewards are limited to level 50s on veteran accounts, and may only be obtained once per character.
  • The Midwinter Giveaway will run from today December 21st, 2024 for the next twelve days,until January 1st, 2025!
Happy Midwinter to one and all from all of us here at Broadsword!


Midwinter Festival Returns

Posted by Community | 2024 Dec 09 14:18 -0500 GMT
  • Return of the mini event to defeat the chilling evil on Ellan Vannin!
  • Help the dock Cargomaster recover his lost yuletide decorations!
  • Merlof and yuletide hats return to our MTX store!
  • The Frozen Medal of Honor and Frozen Cloaks of Midwinter are once again available!
  • Battleground Presents are there to be gathered!
  • The Frozen Cavern instance makes its return along with a new 2H Hammer: Frostbreaker!
  • The Twelve Days of Midwinter gifts are being wrapped!

The Midwinter celebrations will start today and run until January 9th, 2025.
The 12 days of Midwinter event will begin on Saturday, December 21st!

Read on for more details!
