Posted by Community | 2023 Oct 27 18:48 -0400 GMT
The Haunted cities, candy and costumes, pumpkin patches in the Frontiers, and the return of the Mournful King instance await you!
Festivities begin today, October 27th and will conclude on Monday, November 6th.

Posted by Community | 2023 Mar 16 17:19 -0400 GMT
In celebration of St. Patrick's Day and running from Today, Thursday March 16th until Tuesday, March 21th, a random-object-generated (ROG) reward awaits those complete the annual 'Leprechaun Treasure' quest. Please remember - one quest completion per character, per year!
Posted by Community | 2022 Sep 26 11:00 -0400 GMT
Update 09/27/2022 13:30 EDT / 18:30 CET: Live servers are back up!
Ywain and Gaheris servers will be coming down tomorrow Tuesday, September 27th, 2022 at 04:45 AM EST / 10:45 AM CET to implement fixes for the items listed below.
We expect the downtime to be approximately 8 hours and will provide updates on the Herald during the deployment as well as notification as to when the server is back online.
Thank you!
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue with anytime and shield styles
FnF, summoned, and charmed pets should award deathblow credit once again
Posted by Community | 2022 Aug 30 09:40 -0400 GMT
Update: 16:00 EDT / 22:00 CET Ywain and Gaheris are back online!
Ywain and Gaheris servers will be coming down tomorrow Wednesday August 31st, 2022 at 05:45 AM EST / 11:45 AM CET to implement an update for our upcoming event: Crossroad Covenants.
Posted by Community | 2022 Aug 05 11:35 -0400 GMT
The following changes are now live on Ywain!
Ruined Keeps
For a limited time, the merchant keeps of Caer Benowyc in Hadrian's Wall in Albion, Bledmeer Faste in Odin's Gate in Midgard, and Dun Crauchon in Emain Macha in Hibernia will revert to their 'ruined' state and will feature the following temporary changes:
Keep walls will remain destroyed keep gates and postern doors will remain open Guards and other keep NPCs will not spawn
The Protection Obelisk will be disabled and unavailable
Solo quest objectives have returned to the keep areas
Posted by DJ Frazier | 2021 Dec 16 13:00 -0500 GMT
Realm Point, experience, and crafting bonuses are now live!
Bounty points are yours if you can once more assist the surly Festival Steward and the friendly Cargomaster!
Celebrate Midwinter in style with our new cosmetic offerings!
The Frozen Medal of Honor and Frozen Cloaks of Midwinter are once again available!
Battleground Presents are there to be gathered and are now uncapped!
The Frozen Cavern instance makes its return!
The Traveling Merchants have set out their wares!
The Twelve Days of Midwinter gifts are being wrapped!
Enjoy a stroll through housing to see the wreath and candle-adorned doors and windows backlighting the lovely decorations and layouts of your fellow realm-mates!
The Midwinter celebrations will start today and run until January 11th, 2022.
The 12 days of Midwinter event will begin on Tuesday, December 21st!
Read on for more details!
Posted by John Thornhill | 2021 Nov 29 14:27 -0500 GMT
Have you or your friends been thinking of coming back to Dark Age of Camelot? Or are you a veteran player just looking for a change of pace!?
Our 4th Catch Up In Caledonia event begins today, Monday, November 29th at 3 PM EST / 9 PM CET!
Read on for the full details!
What is Catch Up in Caledonia?
It's a way to start fresh and rapidly progress to the end-game with players around your level!
The 7-day long event that will take place entirely in the Realm vs Realm-enabled Caledonia battleground zone.
Players will start at level 1 and rapidly progress to level 50 all while earning gear, master levels, champion levels, and realm ranks along the way!
By event's end participants will be ready to compete in the Frontier!
When does the event start and end?
The event starts precisely at 3 PM EST / 9 PM CET on Monday, November 29th a nd will end at the same time on Monday, December 6th.
How does the event work?
For the first 4 days of the event, newly created level 1 characters will be automatically zoned into the Caledonia battleground where they will vie for control against the enemy realms!
This will be the ONLY way to get inside the battleground zone. Once inside, characters can voluntarily leave but CANNOT return!
All monsters, center-keep guards, and siege weapons are removed for the event. The only way to progress is by defeating realm enemies in battle and completing the related quests.
Charm-pet classes will be able to create a pet to charm at their realm's portal keep.
At 3 PM EST / 9 PM CET on Friday, December 3rd, character starting locations will reset to their default zones and no new characters will be able to join the event. Everyone still inside Caledonia will be able to continue progressing for the remainder of the event's duration.
Experience, bounty, and realm point bonuses will be granted to both free and subscribed accounts in the battleground to help them progress!
Earn bounty points for completing quests and defeating enemy realm players and use them to purchase level-appropriate gear as you strive to 50 and then master and champion levels!
All characters will begin and remain in the same Caledonia zone for the entirety of the event.
The following level caps will be in place for all characters in Caledonia and will increase as follows every 24 hours:
Day 1 (Monday): Level 19 maximum
Day 2 (Tuesday): Level 29
Day 3 (Wednesday): Level 39
Day 4 (Thursday) : Level 49
Days 5-7 (Fri-Mon): Level 50
Characters that reach the day's level cap will still be able to earn realm and bounty points.
Characters that are 5 levels or more below the day's level cap will receive the Caledonia Boost buff.
This buff greatly increases the damage dealt and greatly reduces damage received from characters that do not have the buff (higher level characters)!
Characters with the Caledonia Boost buff active will also DOUBLE the XP and BP rewards for themselves and their group!
When the level cap reaches 49 the buff will be given out to characters 3 or more levels under the cap.
Overwhelming Force system:
When 1 realm outnumbers another by 3 to 1 odds or more and has at least 25+ members in the area of the kill(s), the deathspam will change to "killed by overwhelming force!" and the following restrictions will apply:
Quest kill-credit will not be given for overwhelming force kills.
Realm points are also drastically reduced for overwhelming force kills.
This system is designed to encourage groups to roam around separately more during the event!
These restrictions only apply within Caledonia and not in any other RvR zone.
What improvements have been made?
An extra day at max level has been added to the event by changing the starting level cap on the 1st day from 9 to 19 as well as increasing the starting level from 1 to 10.
Level 1 characters first zoning in should visit the Caledonia Event Coordinator NPC to automatically reach level 10.
Any realms found to be at an overall population disadvantage by the 5th day of the event will have their starting level adjusted to level 30 and receive extra bonuses for the duration of the event and depending on population disparity may have the number of level 50 quest kills required reduced.
How far will I be able to progress?
Players that start at the beginning of the event should be able to reach level 50, Champion level 15, Master level 10, and Realm Rank 5+ with the potential to earn much higher realm ranks! Characters will also be able to earn enough bounty points to not only obtain gear as they progress towards level 50 but also to use for end-game gear via Bountycrafting after reaching level 50!
Posted by John Thornhill | 2021 Nov 23 16:15 -0500 GMT
Event Notes
It's that time of season when the leaves have changed color and are steadily falling, when the wind arrives with a chill and the scent of chimney smoke, and the bounty of the year's harvest is ready to be served and celebrated!
Harvest Quest
The realms are humming with anticipation for their upcoming feasts and local festivals!
Help the realms' Festival Steward recover a lost shipment of food!
The repeatable RvR quests '[Harvest] Lost Turkey' is now available at each realm's strength relic town at the Festival Steward NPC!
Earn bounty points for your efforts!
The Harvest Event will run until Tuesday, November 30th, 2021.
Farmer's Market Festival
The Farmer's Market Festival makes its return to the following locations:
Albion: Ludlow
Midgard: Vasudheim
Hibernia: Ardee
Visit the Festival Matron and go bobbing for apples to earn some house trophies!
Let Captain Mack in Albion, Captain Marks in Midgard, or Captain Geddes in Hibernia regale you with their tales of a shark THIS big on the high seas and see if you can avenge their crews to earn the Sharkblood Bracer!
The Farmer's Market Festival will run until Tuesday, November 30th, 2021.
Mithril Shop Update
The General Merchant's Mithril shop has two new items this month!
Set the mood with the new Wings of Darkness!
Summon a new cunning and cuddly friend, Reynard!
RvR Bonuses
The existing RvR bonuses will remain active until the event ends on Tuesday, November 30th, 2021.
Posted by John Thornhill | 2021 Nov 02 13:34 -0400 GMT
Bonus Extension
Halloween and Anniversary festivities have come to an end, thank you for helping us celebrate 20 years!
The current RvR Bonuses will be extended until Tuesday November 23rd.
Live Hot Fix Notes
Players can once again teleport to the Tower of Korazh, Deifrang, and Graoch on Ellan Vannin via the /realmwar map with the following new supply line requirements:
Realms must own their tower on Ellan Vannin as well as their normal merchant keep in order to teleport to the other realms' EV towers:
Albion can only teleport to the Towers of Deifrang and Graoch if they own the Tower of Korazh and Caer Benowyc.
Midgard can only teleport to the Towers of Korazh and Graoch if they own the Tower of Deifrang and Bledmeer Faste.
Hibernia can only teleport to the Towers of Korazh and Deifrang if they own the Tower of Graoch and Dun Crauchon.
Realms may teleport to their own EV Towers by simply owning their merchant keep as before.
The [Daily] Roaming with Friends and [Weekly] Roaming with Friends quests have had their kill counts reduced from 50 to 30 and 500 to 300 respectively.
Posted by John Thornhill | 2021 Oct 14 12:54 -0400 GMT
It's time for the Pumpkin moon to rise again! Haunted cities, candy and costumes, pumpkin patches in the Frontiers, and the return of the Mournful King instance await you!
Festivities begin today, October 14th and will conclude on Tuesday, November 2nd.