Posted by John Thornhill | 2020 Sep 03 15:44 -0400 GMT
In celebration of Labor Day in the US the following bonuses are now up and will run until Tuesday, September, 8th.
On Ywain:
50% bonus to RPs gained from RvR kills
100% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic zones and dungeons
On Gaheris:
100% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic zones and dungeons
50% bonus to normal RP gain in the capital cities
In each Capital City:
40% Bonus to Crafting Speed
20% Bonus to Crafting Skill Gain
In all Housing Zones:
20% Bonus to Crafting Speed
10% Bonus to Crafting Skill Gain
Posted by John Thornhill | 2020 Jul 16 15:54 -0400 GMT
The Caledonia battleground is open to all players starting today, Thursday July 16th until Tuesday July 21st!
Conquer the enemy realms and capture Caer Caledon back from the Picts to earn the Pictslayer loot!
The Caledonia battleground has the following zone bonuses:
25% bonus to realm point gain
25% bonus to bounty point gain
50% bonus to experience gain
Visit the Battleground Event Channelers to venture to Caledonia:
Albion: Master Truji in Castle Sauvage
Midgard: Stor Gothi Acheren in Svasud Faste
Hibernia: Channeler Inarea in Druim Ligen
Posted by John Thornhill | 2020 Jun 30 14:54 -0400 GMT
The Midsummer celebration event is upon us!
Midsummer's Spirit of War event will run from today, June 30th, until August 4th, 2020.
Read on for the full event details!

Posted by John Thornhill | 2020 May 05 15:46 -0400 GMT
The Rites of Sprint event has come to an end but we are happy to announce that the existing bonuses, traveling merchants, and Doppelganger Invasion event are being extended until Tuesday June 2nd, 2020!
Additionally, any Doppelganger spawn points that were found in Folley Lake, the Trellebourg, and Moydruim Castle have been moved to other locations in Hadrian's Wall, Odin's Gate, and Emain Macha.
Posted by John Thornhill | 2020 Apr 15 17:05 -0400 GMT
The traveling merchants have returned for the Spring festivities!
They will remain until the festivities end on May 5th, 2020.
A new, permanent gather quest, Shipwreck Salvage, has been added that will be enabled whenever seasonal gather quests are inactive.
Players can obtain the quest at their Commander NPC in their realm's strength relic town:
Albion: Commander Wentworth in Catterick Hamlet
Midgard: Commander Hrurdin in Godrborg
Hibernia: Commander Locke Crair Treflan
This quest can be obtained on both the Ywain and Gaheris servers.

The Merchants have set up shop in their usual areas, so be sure to pay them a visit and stock up before they take their leave!
In Albion: Just outside of gates of Castle Sauvage in Camelot Hills
In Midgard: Just outside of Svasud Faste in the Vale of Mularn
In Hibernia: Just outside of Druim Ligen in Connacht
Posted by John Thornhill | 2020 Apr 09 16:02 -0400 GMT
The Spring Preparations quest has been extended until April 14th!
The killer bunny makes his annual return!
Collect and choose your Gem of the Harbinger reward!
Remember, the gem no longer drops as a One-Time-Drop and instead is a loot-choice on the Rites of Spring quest.
Killing the Harbinger of Spring mob (battlegroup-credit) still grants the quest automatically.
There will be no item exchange service for the Gem of the Harbinger or any of its variants, choose carefully!
Players who defeat the Harbinger this year should be careful, or they'll find themselves forever reminded of the battle!
Continue to enjoy Spring with the currently active RvR bonuses and Doppelganger Invasion event!
Read on for the full details!
The Rites of Spring event will remain until Tuesday, May 5th.
Posted by John Thornhill | 2020 Mar 26 12:21 -0400 GMT
We have quite a lot coming your way this Spring. Patch 1.127 is currently on track to be released within the next month or so and we have a brand new, long-term Doppelganger Invasion event launching today as well as the familiar preparations for Springtime to tide you over until and beyond the Patch's release.
We also have some juicy RvR bonuses and a much-requested hot fix note. Happy hunting and we'll see you in the frontiers!
Read on for the full details!
Posted by John Thornhill | 2020 Mar 12 15:48 -0400 GMT
Endless Conquest
As of this posting, the 180 day account inactivity restriction for Endless Conquest eligibility has been reduced to 120 days.
This reduction aligns with the house repossession timer due to account inactivity which will be re-enabled in the upcoming 1.127 Patch.
Accounts that are already past the 120 day mark are now automatically eligible to play for free as an Endless Conquest account!
Accounts that have recently gone inactive will now only need to wait for the remainder of the new 120 day threshold to be eligible.
Players interested in coming back to Dark Age of Camelot should visit our Endless Conquest FAQ and Features Table pages!
St. Patrick's Day Event
Are you feeling lucky?
In celebration of St. Patrick's Day and running from now until Wednesday, March 18th, a random-object-generated (ROG) reward awaits those that can complete the annual 'Leprechaun Treasure' quest. One quest completion per character, per year!
To get the quest, level 50s should pay the following poor souls a consoling visit:
Edmund in Cotswold's tavern
Bjorne in Mularn's beer hall
Silvadren in Mag Mell's pub
As part of the quest, players will be shapeshifted into a realm-specific "leprechaun" but have ALL of their stats debuffed by 75%.
But fear not, leprechauns may be weak but they are also nigh impossible to catch: shapeshifted players will also have an unbreakable CC-immunity and speed buff for the duration of the shapeshift.
Oh, and we hear the real leprechauns love hiding their treasure around the mazes areas of each realm. Enjoy some zany RvR through the weekend!
The ROG reward is a choice between a ring or a bracer similar to the Valentine's Day event with some slight differences. These ROGs will only allow up to 5 slots for stats but will also have 1 of 6 possible /uses.
Players that interact with the 'Leprechaun Treasure' at the realms' mazes will now receive a new One-Time Drop (OTD) reward, Patches' Mug.
This OTD can only be obtained once ever on a character (and not a new one each year).
Players must be on the 'Leprechaun Treasure' quest to interact with the Leprechaun Treasure and obtain this OTD.
For players of all level ranges, there are three pesky little tricksters who are hoping you're not too lucky! A 'charming' reward will be bestowed upon those who have the cunning to out-wit:
Killaghe in Albion
Daighu in Midgard
Iollarme in Hibernia
The "Luck of a Leprechaun" quest can be obtained from the following:
Sir Prescott in Cotswold
Hrolf in Mularn
Epona in Mag Mell
Once again, the event will run until Wednesday, March 18th.
A happy and safe St. Patrick's Day to one and all, and we'll see you in the Frontiers!
Posted by John Thornhill | 2020 Jan 14 15:12 -0500 GMT
Based on feedback we've received since the 1.126 patch, the Dynamic Population Bonus feature is active once again!
As a refresher, here's how the system works:
Dynamic Population Bonus
This system will reward underpopulated realms with bonus realm points to help offset and stabilize population imbalances.
The current bonus status will be displayed to players when viewing the realm selection screen and in-game on the /realmwar 'bonuses' window.
The dynamic population bonus is re-calculated every 15 minutes and only calculates based on the number of players within the New Frontiers region.
The bonus amounts are as follows:
81-90% population of most populated realm: +10% RPs
71-80% population of most populated realm: +25% RPs
61-70% population of most populated realm: +40% RPs
51-60% population of most populated realm: +55% RPs
41-50% population of most populated realm: +70% RPs
31-40% population of most populated realm: +85% RPs
0-30% population of the most populated realm: +100% RPs
These bonuses will stack with all other bonuses!