
Announcing Dark Age of Camelot's Newest Expansion

Posted by Community | 2015 Apr 01 06:00 -0400 GMT

Atlantis Rising


  • The magic of the ancient Atlanteans has returned to the lands of Atlantis. What was once mostly half-submerged is now an entire floating continent!
  • As Trials of Atlantis introduced underwater swimming, Atlantis Rising is pleased to announce the ability to FLY!
  • Explore the formerly submerged halls and caves of the old Trials of Atlantis dungeons and see what new monsters have taken up residence.
  • Earn Master Level 50 by proving yourself in brand new trials and encounters that make the ToA raids seem quick and easy!
  • Discover the 210 new Master Level abilities! 
  • Find all 40 scrolls to unlock and activate each new, even more powerful Artifact! Will you be the first to get yours to level 100!?
  • Play as one of the three new races - Archangel, Aesir, and Daone Maithe - who gifted the realms with the power of flight!

The Harbinger of Spring Returns to Killaloe!

Posted by John Thornhill | 2015 Mar 30 10:10 -0400 GMT

Springtime is here again, and with the warmth and renewed bloom of the landscape an ancient menace returns!

The deceptively cuddly Harbinger of Spring has found its way into the Battleground of Killaloe once more. It has devoured the Keep Lord of Dun Killaloe and has taken up residence on its roof, awaiting fresh prey. The Kings of the Realms have placed a bounty on this beast, and have dispatched Channelers to the Borderkeeps of Castle Sauvage, Svasud Faste, and Druim Ligen to offer passage to any who wish to drive this menace out of Killaloe and collect the coveted Gem of the Harbinger!

The Killaloe Battleground Event will begin this morning, Monday, March 30th and conclude in the morning on Friday, April 3rd. Following the Battleground Event, the Rites of Spring quest will be activated in the Frontiers on Ywain.

On Gaheris, the normal Rites of Spring event has been activated!

Casual Group Finder Demo Video

Posted by Community | 2015 Mar 12 11:13 -0400 GMT

DAoC Knight Luvly, with her guildmates, created a video demonstration on how to use the Casual Group Finder.

With the help of Amurdora, they recorded and uploaded the video on Monday night to show how the CGF works, how to use it, and what happens when you queue up, for both PvE and RvR groups.

Check it out below!

Pendragon Downtime for Patch 1.117

Posted by John Thornhill | 2015 Feb 18 09:54 -0500 GMT
UPDATE: Pendragon is now online. Check out the Patch Notes HERE.

The Pendragon server will be down, Wednesday 2/18/15, at 10 AM EST / 3 PM GMT for patch 1.117!

The notes will be posted when the server comes up. Downtime is expected to be no more than 9 hours.

Valentine's Day Event Returns, with Bonuses!

Posted by Community | 2015 Feb 11 16:53 -0500 GMT
Update: The event and bonuses have come to an end.

Love is in the air as we celebrate the return of our Valentine's Day event!

This event will run from Thursday, February 12th, through Monday, February 16th and brings the following quests: 

  • A Matter of the Heart: This quest will give players of all realms the chance find the imp, Russel, located mainland side of Castle Sauvage/Druim Ligen/Svasud Faste, ready to offer some interesting tasks from the local imp's union in return for a Lawn Cupid trophy, experience and coin. This year, we're adding an extra reward with players having the choice to receive a ROG ring or bracer in addition to the trophy when completing this quest. 

Braemar Battleground Weekend!

Posted by Community | 2015 Jan 15 16:15 -0500 GMT

Update: The event has now ended.

It's been a while since we've invaded a battleground, and after a poll of the community on Facebook and the Postcount forums, Braemar is where we'll be spending the weekend!

End of Year Grab Bag!

Posted by Community | 2014 Dec 19 13:58 -0500 GMT
Over the last few weeks there's been a number of questions that we have been asked quite regularly, and what better way to answer them than a Grab Bag?!

Thank you to everyone who sends us questions through our feedback form, ingame, and the various forums and social media avenues out there - please keep sending them in :)

Without further ado, here's your (our?) end of year Grab Bag!

Midwinter and New Year Bonuses

Posted by Development | 2014 Dec 18 11:04 -0500 GMT

Greetings all,

Midwinter has returned and 2015 is just around the corner. As a gift and special thanks to all of you, we have the instituted following zone bonuses. These will run from today, December 18th, through January 8th.

Midwinter Returns to the Realms

Posted by Community | 2014 Dec 18 10:58 -0500 GMT
The days grow short, a chill is in the air, and warm fires glow in our homes. The Midwinter Festival has come once again to the Realms! Visit the festival grounds to take part in the festivities and challenges.

Vote for DAoC on MMORPG's MMO Face Off!

Posted by Community | 2014 Dec 05 11:02 -0500 GMT
DAoC is named as one of the greatest MMO's on MMORPG this week, but it's in a face off vote, and we want yours!'s Great MMO Face Off poll pits many great games against each other, so show your support for DAoC, login to and vote now!
