
12 Years of Dark Age of Camelot - A Retrospective

Posted by Community | 2013 Oct 10 20:08 -0400 GMT

A very happy birthday to you, Dark Age of Camelot.
Twelve years ago today, hundreds of eager players caught their first glimpse of the newly released MMORPG: Dark Age of Camelot. What was to follow came as a bit of a surprise, both to players and Mythic developers.  Follow us on a journey through the history of a game that would go on to leave an indelible impact on a young and vibrant game studio, the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of players, and the entire MMORPG genre.  

Dark Age of Camelot 12th Birthday Bonuses!

Posted by Community | 2013 Oct 10 17:14 -0400 GMT

Happy 12th Birthday Dark Age of Camelot! 

There's more to come so keep an eye on the Camelot Herald for additional Camelot Birthday fun, but for now - the following bonuses are now live!

On Normal Ruleset servers, the following bonuses have been added:
100% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic zones and dungeons.
100% bonus to normal BP in all NF zones.
25% bonus to RP in all NF zones (including Darkness Falls)

On the PVE Ruleset server the following bonuses have been added:

100% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic zones and dungeons.
100% bonus to normal BP gain in the capital cities.
100% bonus to normal RP gain in the capital cities.

The Dark Age of Camelot Wiki

Posted by Kai Schober | 2011 Jul 13 18:23 -0400 GMT


In the last Producer’s Letter we announced a new Dark Age of Camelot wiki as one of the projects we had planned.  The goal was to allow an easy entry to the immense knowledge surrounding the game and to improve the overall experience both inside and outside the game world.

The wiki had a soft launch together with the new website, and was quickly discovered by some of you. It has since grown by hundreds of articles – especially regarding classes and zones, and the structure of the wiki was improved as well.

Several players have already became regular contributors, amongst which Etaew is most active, with a whole list of ideas on how to improve the wiki.

From today on you will find a direct link to the wiki in the right corner of the news box, next to the Facebook, Twitter and YouTube buttons. Why don’t you check it out and contribute your knowledge about your favorite template, skill set, quest or anything else people might find useful?

Status of the Website

Posted by Kai Schober | 2011 Jul 08 12:00 -0400 GMT


Our new Dark Age of Camelot website has been live for a little over three weeks, and it’s time for its first update. We have received a lot of feedback and we are currently implementing some of your suggestions as well as fine tuning our concept. In the not so distant future (aka ‘soon ™’) you might notice changes like smaller banners, more consistent news blocks and others.

Have a victorious weekend!

Posted by Kai Schober | 2011 Jul 01 11:42 -0400 GMT
Greetings All,

From everyone here at Bioware Mythic we want to wish you all a happy and safe July 4th weekend.  As the live event merchants leave the realms of Migard, Hibernia and Albion we want to help you start off your weekend with the following change and a bonus:
  • All Infernal sleeves are now tradable.

The following bonuses will be up until Tuesday July 5th:
  • 50% XP
  • 100% BP
  • 10% RP

Enjoy the fights!

Version 1.109b Goes Live - 06/29

Posted by Kai Schober | 2011 Jun 28 13:15 -0400 GMT
Update - 3:50pm EDT: All servers are back online with version 1.109b and transfers are active.

Update - 9:00am EDT: All servers are now offline for maintenance.

Update - 6:00am EDT: Ywain has been shutdown for maintenance.


We will be bringing all servers offline on Wednesday, 06/29, for the implementation of Patch 1.109b and a hard drive update on Ywain. The Ywain cluster will be unavailable from 6:00am EDT / 12:00 CEST on. All other servers will be coming down at 10:00am EDT / 16:00 CEST. We anticipate that all servers will be back online no later than 6:00 PM EDT / 0:00 CEST. Please be sure to check the Herald for updates regarding this downtime.

Highlights from this version include:
  • Several balance changes have been made to ML10 Encounter Weapons.

  • Master levels no longer require Master Level experience.

  • A series of repeatable Monster, and Player kill tasks have been added to the following Battlegrounds: Wilton and Molvik. These quests will grant generous amounts of experience and Aurulite as rewards.

Be sure to read the full 1.109b Patch Notes!

Free Character Transfers from Glamorgan to Ywain

We will enable Free Character Transfers from Glamorgan to Ywain with the restart of the servers. If you have characters on Glamorgan, please read the Character Transfer Guide to be prepared.

  • If you want to build a new house on Ywain, please check which server of the cluster has lots in the location you are looking for. We recommend not to transfer to Ywain1.

  • If you transfer your guild, make sure to withdraw the collected guild taxes before the transfer. Realm Points, Bounty Points and Merit Points will get stored on the guild leader, the guild money won't. In order to withdraw the money, just click on it in the /social window.

We'll see you in the Frontier!

Transfer From Glamorgan Postponed For One Week

Posted by Kai Schober | 2011 Jun 21 08:15 -0400 GMT

The free character transfers from Glamorgan to Ywain have to be postponed for a week.  The transfers will now be available starting Wednesday, 06/29/2011.

The reason for this delay is that we want to ensure the most pleasant and smooth transfer experience as possible. To guarantee this, we’ll be upgrading the hard drives on the Ywain server in a maintenance downtime on the 29th. We will also deploy patch 1.109b during this downtime. The free character transfers to Ywain will start right after the downtime. Please make sure that you have read our Transfer Guide.

We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.

Weekend Battleground Event

Posted by Kai Schober | 2011 May 23 07:49 -0400 GMT

Starting Thursday the 19th through Monday the 23rd we will be running a weekend battleground event. This event will feature a battleground switch whereas players level 45-50 will be allowed to teleport to, and participate in, the Thidranki battleground while players level 20-24 will be allowed to teleport to, and participate in, the Cathal Valley battleground.
