Posted by Community | 2024 Nov 08 16:15 -0500 GMT
Revisit Old Frontiers Breifine once more, but this time, it's personal. Settle some scores, go toe to toe with frenemies, or just go straight up vigilante as Breifine goes PvP, Mordred-style!
Players will be able to return to Breifine next Friday, November 15th on existing characters, group with the other realms, and face them as a group. The PvP ruleset is specific to only Breifine for the duration of the event.
The PvP nature of this event includes the following:
Players may create and join cross realm groups
Everyone not in your group is considered an enemy, and may be attacked
Those who fall in combat will release to one of the 3 staging areas which function as safe zones where players may regroup, ready-up, and re-enter the fight
Players may port between all 3 safe zones via the group port Obelisk
Chat channels such as Region, LFG, and Advice will be visible to all realms
Battlegroups and Chat groups will be unavailable for the PvP event
Trading between realms is not allowed
Certain spells and abilities have been updated, and will be reverted at the conclusion of the event
Further event specifics will follow with the event live notice next week.
Posted by Community | 2024 Nov 06 16:39 -0500 GMT
Recover from the sales and the turkey with our next Caledonia event!
Caledonia starts on Wednesday, December 4th at 3PM EST / 9PM CET, and runs until Monday, December 9th at 3PM EST / 9PM CET!
You read that right! Starting on Wednesday, players will spawn into Caledonia and be able to reach level 30 from the Event Coordinator NPC. From there, the event will follow the same leveling format as all previous events with the below level caps in place for all characters, increasing as follows every 24 hours:
Day 1 (Wednesday): Level 39 maximum
Day 2 (Thursday): Level 49
Days 3-6 (Fri-Mon): Level 50
Please note that this will be a normal RvR rules Caledonia, NOT PvP!
Be there or be square!
Posted by Community | 2024 Nov 04 17:58 -0500 GMT
All servers will be coming down tomorrow, Tuesday, November 5th at 5:45AM EDT / 11:45AM CET for patch 1.129!
Downtime is expected to be approx. 8 hours.
PvP Improvements
Outpost Claiming Changes
Character Updates
Realm Ability Updates
Class Balance Updates
Additional class changes have been added to the notes. Check out the full patch notes below!
Event Notes:
Please note the following event changes:
Prove Your Strength event has been extended until November 12th.
Anniversary Bonuses have been extended until November 12th.
Posted by Community | 2024 Oct 31 21:19 -0400 GMT
Get ready to sweep the Frontier clean with our fantastic new mount, the Enchanted Broom! Get into the Spirit of Halloween as you defeat your realm enemies!
Get your very own Enchanted Broom by visiting the below NPC's in your realm's capital city!
In Camelot: Event Shop or Mithril General Merchant by King's Throneroom entrance
Jordheim: Event Shop or Mithril General Merchant in the main Assembly Hall
Tir na Nog: Event Shop or Mithril General Merchant near the statues in the Alainn Cuir area
Players will need to repatch to see the new awesome Broom mount.
Posted by Community | 2024 Oct 31 20:51 -0400 GMT
Our Pendragon test server has been updated with Patch 1.129!
PvP Improvements
Outpost Claiming Changes
Character Updates
Class Balance Updates
Please hop on Pendragon and check out the below changes. Let us know your thoughts and report any issues you may find in the 1.129 patch channels in our official DAoC Discord, thank you!
Important Note:
We highly suggest duplicating your game directory and using the duplicate copy as a Pendragon-only game directory *before* patching and testing on Pendragon.
This means duplicating the entire "Labyrinth" folder (usually found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Labyrinth) to another location and using that copied folder exclusively for Pendragon testing.
If you do not do this, you *will* experience issues when patching from Pendragon back to live.
To force the live client to fix these issues, you will need to delete the mft.myp in your game's directory and then run the camelot.exe patcher again.
For those interested in testing on Pendragon, follow the character copy process here!

Posted by Community | 2024 Oct 24 19:04 -0400 GMT
It's time for the Pumpkin moon to rise again! Haunted cities, candy and costumes, pumpkin patches in the Frontiers, and the return of the Mournful King instance await you!
Festivities begin today, October 24th and will conclude on Wednesday, November 6th.
Posted by Community | 2024 Oct 21 13:54 -0400 GMT
Albion, Hibernia, and Midgard have stood against each other in an endless struggle for dominance. Now, as the anniversary of this eternal war arrives, it is time to prove once more that your realm is the realm that stands strongest! Defeat your enemies and fly your realm's banner!
Adventures can speak with the Festival Steward in their realm's relic town to receive two new quests: [Anniversary] Proof of Strength and [Anniversary] Bones of the Enemy
Proof of Strength
Rotating between the areas of Pennine Mountains (including the maze area), Jamtland Mountains, Breifine (including the maze area), and Ellan Vannin, defeat 30 enemies of your realm to prove your strength!
Each kill in the event zone awards you 1 medallion of strength (5 if solo).
Once you reach 30 medallions, /use them to complete the quest.
Note: once you /use a stack of 30 medallions, it will use all medallions in your inventory (medallions are vaultable)
This quest will auto renew and awards realm points and bounty points.
The event area rotates daily, with first rotation being Pennine Mountains.
Each enemy kill in the event area has a low chance to award you with an Anniversary Chest!
Bones of the Enemy
It is not enough to simply defeat the enemy, you must claim their remains you'll find scattered across the battlefield!
This gather quest auto completes but does not auto renew.
Enemy bones location rotates with the Proof of Strength quest.
The quest is repeatable, and awards 5,000 bounty points and 500 realm points (affected by bonuses) per completion.
The Proof of Strength event will last until November 5th, 2024!
Doppelganger realm points have been returned to pre Doppelganger Invasion Event values.
Posted by Community | 2024 Oct 15 19:43 -0400 GMT
We're taking the action to the Braemar battleground for this coming weekend!
Braemar event will run from Friday, October 18th until Monday, October 21st, 2024.
There will be a 100% RP bonus in Braemar for the duration of the event. NF Bonuses on Ywain will be disabled and re-enabled on Monday prior to Braemar ending.
Additionally, there will be a dynamic underpopulated bonus for the realms fielding the least amount of battle ready players.
Porters will be up at the realm's relic towns and the border keeps mainland side:
In Albion - Master Truji in Catterick Hamlet and Castle Sauvage
In Midgard - Stor Gothi Acheren in Godrborg and Svasud Faste
In Hibernia - Channeler Inarea in Crair Treflan and Druim Ligen
See you in the battleground!
Posted by Community | 2024 Oct 11 17:45 -0400 GMT
Level 50 characters on Veteran accounts can now visit the King in their capital city’s Throne Room to receive their Anniversary Gift - a thank you to our players to mark 23 years of Dark Age of Camelot! The Anniversary Gift contains many surprises to suit the variety of players that make DAoC so special.
Some notes and reminders:
*You will need 4 free inventory spaces – so please ensure that you have the available inventory slots prior to picking up your Anniversary Gift! *
A note about MTX Race/Name/Gender Respecs: Please remember that accounts can only have one of each respec active at a time. If you should be awarded a Race, Name, or Gender respec, it is recommended that you use it prior to obtaining the Anniversary Gift on other characters. They do not stack!
Albion note: the King's Royal guard is once again closer to the main Camelot teleporter in order to facilitate easier port in to the Throne Room.
Anniversary Gifts will be available until October 18th.
Additionally, in celebration of Dark Age of Camelot's 23rd anniversary, we are including a 3 charge 100% Realm Point Bonus potion.
Traveling Merchants
The Traveling Merchants have returned and have gotten into the spirit of the season! Visit the costumed merchants and browse their new wares.
Going forward, merchants will remain permanently, but their wares will rotate throughout the year.
Ghostly Weapons are now available for this merchants rotation.
Shrouded Isle tinctures are also available from the potion merchant.
Lesser Mythirians and the Atlantis Goods have been removed from this rotation of the merchants.
In Albion: Just outside of Castle Sauvage in Camelot Hills
In Midgard: Just outside of Svasud Faste in the Vale of Mularn
In Hibernia: Just outside of Druim Ligen in Connacht
Posted by Development | 2024 Oct 10 16:26 -0400 GMT
Friends and Realm Mates,
23 years ago today, in the town of Fairfax in the Commonwealth of Virginia, USA - Dark Age of Camelot was introduced to the world by a collective of talented and like-minded people. At that time, DAoC was a bit of a rarity – MMOs hadn’t really made their mark on the gaming landscape, so I believe it’s fair to say that nobody could have predicted what the remarkable course and impact of this game would be.
If in 2001, someone were to have told the team at Mythic Entertainment that the three realms would still be at war in 2024, they might have been dubious but (and this I know for a fact) extremely proud. Broadsword is home to several members of the original Dark Age of Camelot development and launch team – and for me, even after 18 years, I still relish their stories, share in their reminiscence, and revel at rare bits of arcane knowledge.
It's a joy and a privilege to have the opportunity to continue to serve DAoC and its community of players, and as we approach the end of 2024 and head into the new year, we are excited to continue to bring you content that stays true to the heart of this game we love so much.
Faithfully yours,
Our 23rd anniversary begins with realm bonuses on both Ywain and Gaheris. Following on from those we'll have Anniversary Gifts for all your level 50 toons, and Traveling Merchants will make a spooky return. We'll also be starting two events later this month: one new event and, of course, the other our Halloween event! Look out for a new special Halloween MTX item coming soon!
Later in October we'll have Patch 1.129 covering some class balance changes along with some world and game updates. Keep an eye out for those Pendragon notes coming soon!
The following bonuses are now live:
On Ywain:
100% bonus to RPs gained from RvR kills
100% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic zones and dungeons
On Gaheris:
100% bonus to normal XP gain in all classic zones and dungeons
100% bonus to normal RP gain in the capital cities
In each Capital City:
40% Bonus to Crafting Speed
20% Bonus to Crafting Skill Gain
In all Housing Zones:
20% Bonus to Crafting Speed
10% Bonus to Crafting Skill Gain
Bonuses will last until Monday, November 4th, 2024.
Event Updates
The Doppelganger Invasion event has now come to a close!
Note: Starlight Weapon Token turn in NPC will remain.
Pennine Mountains, Jamtland Mountains, and Breifine doppelgangers have returned.
Relic town Obelisk port to Hadrian's Wall, Odin's Gate, and Emain Macha have been removed.
Caer Benowyc, Bledmeer Faste, and Dun Crauchon have returned to their normal state.
Knoc Meayll is once again capturable.