After a very successful and enjoyable tournament last year, we are pleased to announce the second Knights of the Roundtable ran DAoC 5v5 tournament! Gather your friends and team mates and prepare to face off against your friends, and enemies, in this spectacular event!
The 5v5 tournament will be held on Saturday, August 20, 2016 on the Pendragon server at 1 PM EST (12PM CST, 10AM PST, 7PM CET). Depending on how many teams sign up, the tournament may continue on Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 1 PM EST (12PM CST, 10AM PST, 7PM CET). Bookmark the tournament page below to keep updated on all the details!

Registration will be opening later in the year, so keep your eyes on the Herald!
Looking forward to another fun tournament!