On November 1st, a Bag of Goodies will be offered to every level 50 character across the realms. This small gesture of our gratitude will contain many surprises to suit the variety of players that makes DAoC so special!
Join us in raising a goblet, mug, or chalice to 21 years of the magic of Dark Age of Camelot!
Cheers! Sláinte! Skål!
Please note: the Bag of Goodies is delayed until Nov 1st so nothing contained in it affects the King's RvR Tournament.
Thank you for everything and we hope you'll enjoy what we have in store!
King's Top 10 Winner Prizes
Along with awarding a statue to the 9 first place winners, the following will be offered to the top 10 winners in each category, each realm:
10th to 6th Place:
- 1 Month of Game Time added to account
- 425 Mithril
- Exclusive Item Skin
- 2 Months of Game Time added to account
- 975 Mithril
- Exclusive Item Skin
- 3 Months of Game Time added to account
- 2,200 Mithril
- Exclusive Item Skin
- Reminder! Players can only win once
- New item skin is a special reward for this tournament alone
Our thanks once more to all of you for your passion and love for Dark Age of Camelot!