Update: This event has been extended through August 17th and the full complement of traveling merchants will be up for the remainder of the event!
The Spirit of War returns! Enjoy our celebration of Midsummer starting today through Monday, August 10th!

The Spirit of War returns! Enjoy our celebration of Midsummer starting today through Monday, August 10th!
- Earn the new Medal of Valor by proving yourself to the Spirit of War!
Simply locate the Spirit of War at Caer Benowyc, Bledmeer Faste, Dun Crauchon, or traversing over Agramon and you will receive the Righteous Vengence! (Albion), Mark for Slaughter! (Midgard), or Complete Annihilation! (Hibernia) quest.
- This quest is repeatable and will auto-complete but you'll have to return to the Spirit of War to get it again!
- Please make sure your pending quest list has room!
- Complete the quest 10 times to earn the Recognition of Valor quest and receive your Medal of Valor!
- Earn bonus Realm and Bounty points for each completion of the quest!

A new traveling merchant has wandered into each realm claiming to sell weapons from Darkness Falls!
- Visit Tallanvor outside Castle Sauvage in Albion
- Visit Vendasor outside Svasud Faste in Midgard
- Visit Vanin outside Druim Ligen in Hibernia