The Midsummer celebration is upon us!
Midsummer's Spirit of War event will run from today, July 30th, until Tuesday, August 24th, 2021.
Read on for the full event details and live hot fix notes!
Live Hot Fix Notes
Keep Changes
The Protection Obelisk's damage reduction buff has been improved to also provide uninterrupted casting to recipients on the inner keep roof and inside the lord's room.
- This change is designed to encourage attackers to destroy the obelisk prior to attempting to engage the lord room of a keep as well as provide additional benefit to keep defenders.
- The cost of the Protection Obelisk upgrade has been increased from 50,000 to 75,000 bounty points.
Realms controlling 4 or less relics can now purchase and apply an upgrade that instantly levels their keep to level 5.
- This costs 115,000 bounty points
- Guilds should claim (or reclaim) any keeps after using this upgrade token to ensure the keep still targets leveling towards 10.
Realms controlling 2 or less relics can now purchase and apply an upgrade that instantly levels their keep to level 9.
- This costs 225,000 bounty points.
- Guilds should claim (or reclaim) any keeps after using this upgrade token to ensure the keep still targets leveling towards 10.
- Level 10 inner keeps no longer have climb points up to their oil level. Outer wall climb points remain as is.
Realm vs Realm
One-way teleports to Ellan Vannin safe areas have been re-enabled.
- Stand on the portal pad in each realm's strength relic town to teleport to your realm's safe area on Ellan Vannin.
- Ellan Vannin towers may still not be teleported to but have had their difficulty reduced to that of a level 5 tower.
The Ellan Vannin Obelisk remains but has been relocated next to the portal pad.
- Players must now be at least level 45 to use the Folley Lake, Trellebourg, or Moydrium Castle teleports at the obelisk.
Ruined Areas
The damage lightning that targets groups of 2 or more in these areas has been changed to a 75% effectiveness debuff with a 30s duration.
- The timer before this effect is applied when entering the area as a group has been reduced from 60s down to 15s
- Once activated this effect is still applied every 5 seconds and still interrupts as the lightning did.
Mithril Shop
Midsummer calls for some new looks!

Stone Dragon Cosmetic Wings can now be purchased at the Albion Mithril Shop in Camelot!
Wolf Dragon Cosmetic Wings can now be purchased at the Midgard Mithril Shop in Jordheim!
Glimmer Dragon Cosmetic Wings can now be purchased at the Hibernia Mithril Shop in Tir na Nog!
Class Changes
Heavy tanks have had the following adjustments to their survivability in order to make them a bit more vulnerable to magic and siege damage:
Memories of War reduced from 20% to 10% secondary magic resists.
NOTE: The delve on this ability will be updated with the next downtime, but the effect is now correctly 10%.
Siege Resistance reduced from 50% to 33% siege damage reduction.
NOTE: The delve on this ability will be updated with the next downtime, but the effect is now correctly 33%.
Fury reduced from 50% chance to resist crowd control effects and 50% magic resistances down to 45%.
Necromancers's Chthonic Form no longer provides the 10% secondary resistance buff.
Animist, Bonedancer, and Necromancer realm-targeted Absorption Buffs have been changed to group-targeted chants that last 30 seconds and pulse with a 10 second frequency.
Bug Fixes
Pets should no longer become stuck when attacking milegate doors on Ellan Vannin.
Midsummer Event
The Midsummer Event is now live!
Find and speak with the following NPCs to participate:
- Guy in Albion's strength relic town (Catterick Hamlet)
- Garmr in Midgard's strength relic town (Godrborg)
- Salle in Hibernia's strength relic town (Criar Treflan)
The event is made up of 2 stages:
During Stage 1 of the event, level 50 characters will be offered the [Midsummer] Dragon Eggs quest from Guy, Garmr, or Salle.
- Each completion of this quest grants 1,000 realm points!
The first realm to complete 150 of the [Midsummer] Dragon Eggs quests wins the first stage!
- When one realm wins, the other 2 realms' progress is not lost and they can pick up where they left off after stage 2 is complete and the event has reset.
- After a realm wins, no realms will be able to turn in the [Midsummer] Dragon Eggs quest again until the next stage is completed and the event has reset.
- Players can speak with Guy, Garmr, or Salle in their relic towns to check the event's current [status].
During Stage 2 of the event, level 50 characters will be offered the [Midsummer] Spirit of War quest from Guy, Garmr, or Salle. A Dark Dragon will spawn and CAPTURE one of the following enemy realm keeps:
- Albion is victorious: Nottmoor Faste, Blendrake Faste, Hlidskialf Faste, Dun Crimthainn, Dun Bolg, or Dun da Behnn
- Midgard is victorious: Caer Berkstead, Caer Erasleigh, Caer Sursbrooke, Dun Crimthainn, Dun Bolg, or Dun da Behnn
- Hibernia victorious: Caer Berkstead, Caer Erasleigh, Caer Sursbrooke, Nottmoor Faste, Blendrake Faste, or Hlidskialf Faste
The captured keep is chosen randomly.
- However, a keep can only be captured if the winning realm does not already own it.
- Note: Siege towers are disabled for the duration of the event on ALL keeps.
Dark Dragons repeatedly destroy the outer walls of any keep they are flying over.
- For the duration of this event, keep walls on all keeps will not provide realm points when repaired. Keep doors still provide realm points when repaired.
Once a keep has been captured by the Dark Dragon, any realm can take it and defend it.
- Once a realm has taken the keep, the keep behaves as normal and the Dark Dragon will not ever re-capture it; however the outer keep walls will still be repeatedly destroyed as long as the Dark Dragon is alive.
The Spirit of War will spawn to battle the Dark Dragon at the keep.
Players that fight within the same zone that the Spirit of War is currently in will receive the "Spirit of War's Mark" - a 75% realm point buff that lasts 30 seconds and refreshes instantly so long as you remain in the same zone.
- This buff does not stack with or overwrite Buggane Draught buffs; however if that buff is currently active it will need to be dropped for the Spirit of War's Mark buff to affect the character.
Players that fight within the same zone that the Spirit of War is currently in will receive the "Spirit of War's Mark" - a 75% realm point buff that lasts 30 seconds and refreshes instantly so long as you remain in the same zone.
Once a Dark Dragon has spawned and captured a keep, the [Midsummer] Spirit of War quest will become available from Guy, Garmr, and Salle.
This quest asks players to earn 25 enemy realm kills while they have the Spirit of War's Mark buff active.
- Players can also receive the quest by heading to the keep that the Spirit of War is flying above (8,000 units).
- To receive quest kill credit, players will need to fight in the same zone that the Spirit of War is currently in.
- Complete this quest to earn your realm's scaly companion and choose between the Midsummer's Triumphant Wrap or Midsummer Battlefield Potion!
This quest asks players to earn 25 enemy realm kills while they have the Spirit of War's Mark buff active.
After the Dark Dragon and Spirit of the War have battled over a keep for 45 minutes, the Spirit of War will summon Dragon Ballista siege weapons that can be used to kill the Dark Dragon.
- These Dragon Ballista will do negligible damage to everything except the Dark Dragon - but beware, the Dark Dragon doesn't like their attention!
- Killing the Dark Dragon will cause the inner keep to be destroyed and it's door to be opened!
- Once the Dark Dragon is killed, the Spirit of War will only remain so long as there is still a battle being waged at the keep.
If, after roughly 3 and a half hours, the Dark Dragon has not been killed, it will retreat from the battlefield.
- Once the Dark Dragon has retreated, the Spirit of War will only remain so long as there is still a battle being waged at the keep.
- If the Dark Dragon retreats, the inner keep and its door are not destroyed.
- Once the Spirit of War leaves a keep, the event resets and the [Midsummer] Dragon Eggs quest can be obtained and completed again.