King's Order: Prepare for Battle

Posted by Kai Schober | 2011 Jun 23 07:15 -0400 GMT

Spies and well informed sources of the realms are reporting a growing threat on the horizon. It is unclear where this threat originates but seemed to be levied towards the Kings themselves.

In reaction to this threat the Kings of the realms have ordered the Magistrates and Quartermasters across Hibernia, Albion and Midgard to open the weapon and armor stores and allow Merchants to once again sell Infernal Invasion items, including the much sought after Infernal Sleeves. In addition to these wares, the Quartermasters have released their hold on their stores of Mythirians. New Merchants from the Labyrinth will join the Infernal Merchants to sell these Mythirians.

Transfer From Glamorgan Postponed For One Week

Posted by Kai Schober | 2011 Jun 21 08:15 -0400 GMT

The free character transfers from Glamorgan to Ywain have to be postponed for a week.  The transfers will now be available starting Wednesday, 06/29/2011.

The reason for this delay is that we want to ensure the most pleasant and smooth transfer experience as possible. To guarantee this, we’ll be upgrading the hard drives on the Ywain server in a maintenance downtime on the 29th. We will also deploy patch 1.109b during this downtime. The free character transfers to Ywain will start right after the downtime. Please make sure that you have read our Transfer Guide.

We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.

Account Center Maintenance - 06/21

Posted by Kai Schober | 2011 Jun 21 06:22 -0400 GMT

We will be bringing the BioWare Mythic account center offline for a short maintenance at 11:00 AM EDT today.

We anticipate the account center will be back online within 2 hours no later than 13:00 PM EDT.

During this time all account center related service will be unavailable, including billing and character transfers.

We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.

Battle Herald is Watching You

Posted by Kai Schober | 2011 Jun 20 13:12 -0400 GMT
If you follow us on Facebook you might have noticed reappearing News from the Frontlines. Over the last ten weeks the Battle Herald has posted reports like this on April 17th:
Again Albion’s frontiers were devastated by marauding hordes from Midgard and Hibernia. Hibernia established a beachhead around Caer Berkstead while Midgard temporarily dominated the west of the frontiers. Albion managed to hold onto Midgard’s strength relic but lost theirs to Midgard when the gate of Castle Excalibur was broke open Sunday afternoon and Enoch carried it away.

Battle Herald: News from the Frontlines

Posted by Kai Schober | 2011 Jun 18 13:28 -0400 GMT
As things are, King Lug hasn’t got his spear back, but his realm also lost Dagda’s Cauldron. Once again, we saw a war torn weekend full off merciless battles all over the frontiers.

DAoC Game Timecards on Sale Now

Posted by Kai Schober | 2011 Jun 17 09:01 -0400 GMT
We are happy to announce a 25% sale for the 3- and 6-month time code for Dark Age of Camelot. The offer has started today and will be available until the 23rd of June.

Check it out at Origin – the new EA store.


Free Transfers from Glamorgan - 06/22

Posted by Kai Schober | 2011 Jun 17 08:34 -0400 GMT

We will enable Free Character Transfers from Glamorgan cluster (Avalon, Dartmoor, Logres, Lyonesse and Stonehenge) to Ywain Cluster from Wednesday, 06/22 on. The '/freexfer' command will become available for all characters on the cluster from the afternoon EDT on (evening CEST).

Welcome to The New Home of Dark Age of Camelot

Posted by Kai Schober | 2011 Jun 15 06:01 -0400 GMT


It’s here - the new web site for ‘Dark Age of Camelot’ has arrived. Let Stuart Zissu, Producer of the game, be the first to welcome you with his introduction video on the right.

Troll says Enter

Please note that the site is under construction. Some links still refer to the old Herald. We are moving and updating the important content in the weeks to come.

We are also looking forward to getting your feedback and suggestions which you can submit via the Feedback Form.

Enjoy the new site!

Version 1.109b Comes to Pendragon - 06/15

Posted by Kai Schober | 2011 Jun 14 13:07 -0400 GMT

Update 3:30 pm EST: Pendragon is available again, happy testing!

Update 2:00 pm EST: Pendragon is now offline


We will be bringing the Pendragon Test Server offline for maintenance on Wednesday, 06/15, at 2:00 PM EDT (20:00 CEST). During this maintenance we will be implementing the first version of Patch 1.109b. At this time we anticipate that Pendragon will be back online no later than 5:30 PM EDT/23:30 CEST.

Please read the Pendragon Patch Notes. Be sure to check the Herald for updates regarding this downtime.

Battle Herald: News From The Frontlines VIII

Posted by Kai Schober | 2011 Jun 14 10:55 -0400 GMT

Have you ever had problems with unwanted neighbors? On Sunday the Battle Herald witnessed the DAoC way of dealing with them. Following the Albion army lead by Gerreniel on their quest to throw all invaders out of Albion while keeping hold of the two stolen Strength relics in Caer Hurbury and Caer Renaris, the Battle Herald was lead to Caer Berksted Outpost which was occupied by Hibernia and already under siege. When the fighters from Albion arrived at the scene, the door was already smashed open and the Hibernians had retreated to the higher floors. Still, the Albion army wasn’t able to enter the ground floor, because that was occupied by several raiders from Midgard who defended the entrance as well as the stairs.
