
Master Allen wants you to offer your assistance to Master Locke in Black Mountain South.
Speak with Larrisa south-west of Master Allen who will teleport you to the North Bridge.

Continue speaking with him to obtain the quest: [Spirits]: Knock, Knock, Albion Calling.
Master Locke wants you to test your strength against the enemy forces.

- 3 Spirit Pillagers
- 6 Spirit Raiders
- 3 Spirit Looters
Once completed, return to Master Locke to complete this part of the quest.

Master Locke wants you to gather friends and defeat Warraugh's war party.
This is a battlegroup encounter.
Warraugh cannot be attacked from range, and be prepared for additional aggro as Warraugh calls for help during the fight.
Once you have defeated Warraugh, return to Master Locke for your gem reward.
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