We are pleased to announce the first Knights of the Roundtable ran DAoC tournament, hopefully the first of many! Gather your friends and team mates and prepare to face off against your friends, and enemies, in this spectacular event! Broadsword are happy to be assisting with the logistics and rewards part of the tournament, but it is run and hosted by the Knights!
The 5v5 tournament will be held on Saturday, August 29, 2015 on the Pendragon server at 1 PM EST (12PM CST, 10AM PST, 7PM CET). Depending on how many teams sign up, the tournament may continue on Sunday, August 30, 2015 at 1 PM EST (12PM CST, 10AM PST, 7PM CET). Please note: the original date has changed from August 22nd/29th to August 29th/30th

• Registration will be done using http://challonge.com/ . Sign up is quick and easy! Once you have decided on your team, you will need to designate one player to be ‘Team Captain’. Only the Captain will sign the team up on http://challonge.com .
• The Captain will register an account on http://challonge.com After registering an account, he will need to register a team. In the ‘team description’ the Captain will list all members (including himself). Once you register your team, you need to make sure you register for the Daoc 5v5 tournament.
• Link to the DAoC 5v5 tournament on Challonge: http://challonge.com/officialdaoc5v5 .
• A video tutorial with a registration walk-through can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXZ-LgDsDQc
• Email officialdaoc5v5@gmail.com if you have any questions or issues signing up.
• It is on you to make sure you’re properly signed up. We may not be able to help you if you realize you did not sign up properly too late.
• PLEASE KEEP TEAM NAMES CLEAN!! Teams with names that violate our ToS/CoC will be disqualified.

• Group sizes will be 5 only. However, each team can have 6 players, allowing for one backup player. If you have a backup player, he/she needs to be registered in the ‘team description’ on challonge.com as well.
• Setups cannot be changed during the tournament, so whatever setup you use during the first match will be the setup used through the rest of the tournament. This will prevent people from countering their opponent’s setup every match. The setup will not be able to be changed even if the backup player must be used later in the tournament, so make sure your backup player will be able to fill in on the required class.
• We will be using the ‘Mordred Ruleset’. This will allow you to use classes from all 3 realms in your group setup.

• Characters can be copied to Pendragon from Ywain and Gaheris using the /charcopy command (guide here). You must bring your own template or create a template yourself once on Pendragon.
• There will be a special 5v5 Tournament Tester NPC that will allow you to become Rank 11, so make sure to visit him once you have copied your character to Pendragon.

• Fight locations will take place in various locations in the frontiers and realms. There will be personnel available to port participants to fight locations.
• NPC Buff Bots will be provided and located at the ‘starting area’ of each fight location. These buffs are the same uncapped buffs you get from Buffing NPCs on Ywain and Gaheris.
• A variety of pets and pet levels will be available at the ‘starting area’ of each fight location.
• ‘Mordred Ruleset’ – This allows for tons of group setup variety.
• Everyone will be Rank 11 to make things as fair as possible when it comes to Realm Rank.
- Copying over Realm Rank 11+ characters is allowed, but they will be forced to visit an NPC that will reduce their Realm Rank down to 11L0 before participating in the tournament. Anyone found to have a higher rank character at the start of their fight will disqualify their team.

• No Supremacy potions or Comprehension potions will be allowed.
• Out of group buff bots are restricted. NPC Buff bots will be provided that will give uncapped buffs (similar to NPC buffers on Ywain/Gaheris).
• Gaheris only items are allowed, but their /use abilities are prohibited. Most should already be usable on Gaheris only.
• There will be no restriction on classes or group setups, so bring any combination of classes you want!
• Players can only play for 1 team. Any player caught playing for two different teams will have both teams disqualified.
• It should go without saying, but anyone caught cheating during the tournament will not only be punished according to the Terms of Service, but will have their whole team disqualified.

• The tournament will be broken into two stages – Group/Pool stage and Elimination Stage (Very similar to how the World Cup is organized.)
• Group/Pool size will be 4 or 5, depending on how many people sign up.
• Top two teams in each group will advance to the next round. Team rankings within groups are determined by number of wins.
• If two teams are tied, then head to head results will be considered. Whoever won the head to head between the two teams will advance.
• If three teams are tied and head to head results will not determine a winner, we will have to have a series of tie breaker matches between the three teams.
• Once in the Elimination Stage of the tournament, we will use single best of 1 matches to determine who advances. Once we get to the semi-final matches, we will start doing best of 3 matches.
• There will be a 3rd place match to determine who the 3rd place rewards will go to.
• See example image below...

• Registration is currently open. We will close registration on Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 11am EST (5PM CET). Later that day, we will post a list of all teams registered. If there are any issues with registration we will attempt to solve them quickly. On Thursday, August 27, we will post the final groups and times for the first round of matches.
• We will have a time line for the first round of matches posted before the day of the tournament. In order to keep things moving, we are requiring groups to be set up and ready to fight within 10 minutes of their scheduled fight.
• As the tournament progresses throughout the day and new matches are announced, teams will still only have 10 minutes to be ready to fight from their scheduled match time.
• If a team is not ready to go by the 10 minute grace period, they will forfeit that fight.
• There will be officiators that are assigned groups in order to keep track of the Group/Pool Stage and help with setting up group play matches.
• Once we get done with the Group/Pool Stage, there will be a short break before we start the Elimination Stage.

1st Place –
• Weapon Skin Change – Each member of the 1st place team will be allowed to choose one existing weapon they own and have it reskinned to an existing weapon model (subject to approval, same weapon type only (no harp skin in place of a sword)).
o Ex: I can choose to have my Paladin 2 hand DF sword changed to look like the Savage 2 hand DF axe
• Look-a-like NPCs – Each member will have an NPC modeled and named after them.
• 3 Month Time Card – Each member receives a 3 Month Game Time Card
2nd Place –
• 3 Month Time Card – Each member receives a 3 Month Game Time Card
3rd Place –
• 1 Month Time Card – Each member receives a 1 Month Game Time Card

Pendragon will be changed to Mordred Ruleset one week before the tournament date, to allow players to setup characters, explore the map areas, and more.
We will also run a 5v5 non tournament night on August 22nd, broadcast on our official Twitch channel and open to all, to showcase the tournament a week before the actual event.

Any questions you have can be asked on the postcount.net Ywain board or IRC channel (details below), or by contacting the organisers (Obelisk and Kujii) through any of the following methods:
• Officialdaoc5v5@gmail.com
• Obelisk or Kujii on Postcount.net
• 5v5 IRC – #daoc5v5 on sorcery.net
o http://chat.mibbit.com/?channel=%23daoc5v5&server=irc.sorcery.net