Grab Bag - October 17, 2008
And we've landed!
Last week, I saw this question in the Herald:
Q. I have looked and looked, asked and asked with no luck. My question is: For the Necromancer class what stats/attributes pass from the Necro to the pet? Example: if I make my Necro the sigil armor which adds +10AF does that pass to pet? Does my HP, Int, Dex and all of that pass to pet or what? Can't find this information anywhere so far, please help.
A. After taking a few moments to pull up a file or three, the Equalizer says: Your Hit Points will transfer over to the Necromancer Pet when summoned, increasing the pet's Maximum Hit Points. This value is calculated from both your Constitution and Hit Point Bonuses. No other stats will be transferred over to the pet.
Can you elaborate more on this? There seem to be a lot of things left out of here that do affect the Necromancer, and a lot of confusion about what 'Constitution and Hit Point Bonuses' means.
The Equalizer decided to get some extra information and found out that answering this question required more than a simple sentence or two as well as a clarification on his point and another interpretation of the question: Necromancer pets get several stats from their owner when being summoned and then several others when fighting. The most important thing to remember about all of these stats, though, is that they will only gain a benefit from stat bonuses on the player's armor and items and not from buffing the Necromancer prior to summoning.
When summoning a pet, the Constitution and Hit Point bonuses on the player's gear and the Toughness Realm Ability will transfer over to the pet. This includes bonuses from Constitution Cap and Hit Point Cap.
When fighting, the Dexterity bonus to casting speed will transfer over to the pet, including any bonus from Dexterity Cap increases. Resistances will also transfer over to the pet.
A few examples of statistics that won't transfer over to the pet are any of the Augmented Strength, Augmented Dexterity, Augmented Constitution or Augmented Quickness Realm Abilities, or the ToA Casting Speed and Casting Range Bonuses. Neither will increased hits from Champion Levels.
I'm farming Fire Elemental Spirits in Muspelheim on my Berserker and I noticed that killing them decreases my faction with the Chaotic Constructs and increases it with the Drakoran Legion. If I'm not mistaken, those are Albion Shrouded Isles mobs, so what's the point?
The Lady of the Jewels spent some time out in Muspelheim studying the fire elementals there and aside from third degree burns she came up an answer: It seems at some point they decided to ally themselves with a couple Albion monster factions. We will address their allegiances in a future patch cycle. Thank you for reporting this!
My level 50 Shadowblade has a mysterious item called 'Blood Rage' listed on his skill list; I can't find any information on what it is or what it does, and the CSR I spoke with on another issue thought this would be the perfect place to ask, and share the results with others who might be curious. What does it do? Thanks in advance!
With a quick check of a very thick book the Equalizer says: The Blood Rage ability gives the Shadowblade a 25% Stealth Movement Speed bonus for 60 seconds after they have killed an enemy in RvR Combat. This will only be applied if the Shadowblade caused the deathblow of their target.
I have a question about Parry/Block and Evade Mythirians. Do they actually take you past the cap? For example, would a Mythirian with 6% parry bonus on it bring someone to 56% parry if they were already at 50% parry? I was wondering if you could clear this up for me since I've heard different things from different people.
With a quick shake of his head the Equalizers says no: Mythical Bonuses to Parry, Block, and Evade will not raise the player beyond the cap for these defense types.
I have a question in regards to Mythirians being able to be sold to vendors for gold. Will the Mythirians that have dropped before the patch goes live be able to be sold or is it newer ones that dropped after the patch is released?
This time the Equalizer nodded his head up and down and said: Yes - this change will apply to all Mythirians, past, present, and future, and will even allow you to sell Mythirians that have become "bound" to your character.
Come join us in Chicago for our last Road Trip of the year. All the fun is going on tomorrow (Saturday, October 18th) and we will be celebrating Camelot's 7th Anniversary. Everyone who attends gets an exclusive item as well as tons of prizes and snacks that include an anniversary cake. We would love to meet you if you are in the Chicago area we hope you can make it. Information on where we will be meeting can be found here.
Have one of your friends recently earned a new achievement in game? This would include a new Realm Rank, Level 50, a new title and plenty more. Then why not submit it to the Scroll of Valor? Honor your friends by letting everyone know of their accomplishments.
The Grab Bag is based off of player submitted questions so if there is a question that you have been wanting to see answered in the Grab Bag, send it in! You might be seeing it in a future edition of the Grab Bag.
That's it for me everyone, I can't wait to meet all of you tomorrow at the Road Trip. Have a great weekend and don't forget to stay safe!