1.127E Live Patch Notes
20 Year Anniversary
A new nostalgic quest, [Anniversary] Enemies of Old can be obtained from each realm’s King and completed to earn a very special realm-unique mount and 50% realm point 30-charge potion!
- Albion: Great-Lion Mount
- Midgard: Great-Wolf Mount
- Hibernia: Great-Elk Mount
Quests steps are all battlegroup credit, can all be done with a group or less, and are able to be completed in any order.
- Some of the epic mobs required to be killed have had their spawn rates increased.
- This quest will be available until November 2nd, 2021
- The [Weekly] Doppelganger Invasion quest now awards an Anniversary Gift Box for each completion until November 2nd, 2021.
Veteran Rewards
A new Veteran Reward threshold for accounts with 20 years of cumulative subscription time has been added with the following rewards and choices:
20 years of subscription:
Guaranteed rewards:
- 250,000 Veteran Bounty point scroll
Choice of 2:
- Veteran Questing Beast Mount
- Tournament Ring
- Triumphant Wristguard
- Pendragon's Ring
- Pendragon's Bracer
- Chest of Rare Alchemy Components
- Veteran Speed of the Hunt
- Veteran Breath Potion
- Obtain your Veteran Rewards at the Royal Treasurer in each realm’s capital!
Guaranteed rewards:
20 years of subscription:
Mithril Shop
New specialty, realm-specific mounts!
- Albion: Great-Lion Mount
- Midgard: Great-Wolf Mount
- Hibernia: Great-Elk Mount
New Consignment Merchant skins!
- Doppel CM
- Legion CM
- Phoenix CM
- Agramon CM
- Abaddon CM
New Cosmetic VFX!
- Flame Skulls
- Green-Flame Skulls
- Blue-Flame Skulls
Catch Up in Caledonia Event Fixes
- Overwhelming Force kills will no longer grant quest kill credit.
Client Improvements
UI Scaling
- The game client’s initial loading and character selection screens now auto-scale their user interface to the resolution settings.
The in-game user interface can now be scaled up in size by clicking+dragging the upper left corner of the in-game screen.
The UI can be scaled from 1.000 (default) to 4.000.
- For most resolutions a value in the 1.0-1.3 range should be large enough.
- If no mouselook or mousepan button is set in /keyboard, users should hold down their mouselook toggle key and then click the upper-left corner of the in-game screen to begin scaling.
The UI can be scaled from 1.000 (default) to 4.000.
New Client Art
The character selection and customization screens have been given new background vistas for each realm!
- We recommend entering the character customization screen for a full 360 degree view of them!
- The game client’s initial splash screens have been updated with key-art from Camelot’s past!
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- Full-screen windowed is now the game client’s default setting after first installation.
- Item tooltips have been added to merchant store and market explorer results windows.
Background elements in the game’s user interface should now support anti-aliasing.
- NOTE: Some lines may still appear under fonts at certain UI scales for some users.
NOTE: Custom UI developers will need to remove any alpha from their corresponding file versions to support anti-aliasing:
- ui/atlantis/atlantis_01.tga
- ui/atlantis/atlantis_02.tga
- ui/atlantis/atlantis_03.tga
- ui/atlantis/atlantis_04.tga
- ui/atlantis/atlantis_04b.tga
- ui/atlantis/navigation.tga
- How-to videos for Custom UI developers HERE!
Bug Fixes
- TOA encounters should once again function and reset properly when multiple realms attempt them simultaneously.
- 2nd /uses no longer auto-recharge on logout and zoning for certain items.
- Players should once again receive kill credit on quests when the monster or player is killed by a fire and forget pet.
- Players whose hit points are reduced to 0 by drowning and falling damage will once again die as expected.
- Client graphics and tooltip settings should now save properly after relogging.
Class Changes
Battlemaster Master Level
- Essence Dampen has had its endurance cost increased by 10.
- Essence Shatter has had its endurance cost increased by 10.
- The Shaky Legs debuff received from activating Climbing Spikes now increases damage dealt to the Heavy Tank by 35% instead of 15%.
- Reanimate Corpse’s effect now grants a 200 radius, low heat damage pulse every 4 seconds to surrounding enemies for its 20 second duration.
- Climb walls is now available at 45 Savagery specialization instead of 50.