1.127 Live Server Patch Notes
- Fall in love with your house all over again with brand new exterior and interior models and textures!
- Enjoy using the expanded Market Explorer search options!
- Check out the Endless Conquest limitations and Veteran account reward changes!
- Upgrade your style with our new cosmetic options in the Mithril store!
- Explore new ways to defend and capture keeps with the revamped Stormlord Master Level line!
- TONS of Bug Fixes and Client improvements!
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- All houses have received a major facelift with new exterior and interior models, architecture styles, layouts, lighting, design, and textures for every housing tier!
House Repossession
- House repossession for account inactivity has been re-enabled.
House repossession notifications and timelines will function as follows:
- Any account’s houses that are currently showing as condemned and with a repossession timer on live servers now but are currently subscribed and active will have their repossession timers cleared on 1.127’s launch.
- Accounts that have been inactive for >90 days will have any houses set to a 3-day repossession timer. This will give those accounts some time to reactivate if they so choose and ensure that nothing is immediately repossessed by mistake.
- Accounts that have been inactive for 30-90 days at the time of the launch will have any houses set to a 59-day repossession timer.
- Accounts that have been inactive for less than 30 days at the time of the launch will not have a repossession timer set. When those accounts hit the 30-day inactivity mark their houses will be set to the normal 59-day timer.
- Going forward, any newly inactive account will have no action taken for 30 days. At 30 days of account inactivity, the account’s house(s) will be set to the 59-day repossession timer (for a total of 90 days of account inactivity before repossession).
- Repossessed houses will have all belongings available for recovery at the repossession NPCs in the Housing market towns.
- Consignment Repo Vault merchant names now indicate whether they are for “Guild” or “Personal” houses.
House Quality of Life Improvements
- The lot-stone store that sells porches, house titles, and other items can now be opened from the housing options and permissions window when Shift + Right-clicking a house wall.
- Changes to any object’s price on a CM will now update in real-time to anyone viewing that CM’s items.
/Listmerchant Changes
ALL houses have been de-listed with the launch of 1.127.
Any account with a house will need to have a character run the /listmerchant command next to its Consignment Merchant so the Market Explorer can see their wares.
- Players will need to run this /listmerchant command twice if their account was already listed prior to 1.127.
- Players will be notified that the Consignment Merchant is "adding your items to the consignment market" when the house is properly listed.
- Player can also check a house's list status by using the /house command and scrolling to the end of the window.
Any account with a house will need to have a character run the /listmerchant command next to its Consignment Merchant so the Market Explorer can see their wares.
There is now a weekly check on all Consignment merchants to determine if any items on the merchant can be purchased.
- Any merchants that have zero purchasable items (due to too much currency on the CM or prices that are set too high) will automatically de-list each week.
- When players have no purchasable items and go to /listmerchant a new message will appear informing them that their merchant is set to de-list at the end of the week.
- Weekly checks follow the same schedule as weekly quest timers: Midnight EST Sunday.
The /listmerchant command is no longer required to be run by characters on the same housing server# as the house owner.
- On Ywain /listmerchant can now be run by any character of the same realm on the house owning character’s account.
- On Gaheris /listmerchant can now be run by any character on the house owning character’s account.
- The /house window now lists whether the house’s merchant is currently listed or not.
House Emblem and Vault fixes
The need to re-run the /house fixemblems command after each server restart has been corrected.
NOTE: This fix will only apply on any subsequent server restart beyond 1.127 to players who re-fix their house emblems once more after 1.127’s launch.
- In other words, players that fix their emblems after 1.127 will no longer have to fix their emblems on subsequent server restarts.
The need to pick up and place house vaults after each server restart has been corrected.
NOTE: This fix will only apply on any subsequent server restart beyond 1.127 to players who re-place their house vaults once more after 1.127’s launch.
- In other words, players that fix their house vaults after 1.127 will no longer have to fix their vaults on subsequent server restarts.
NOTE: This fix will only apply on any subsequent server restart beyond 1.127 to players who re-place their house vaults once more after 1.127’s launch.
NOTE: This fix will only apply on any subsequent server restart beyond 1.127 to players who re-fix their house emblems once more after 1.127’s launch.
Market Explorer
Search Improvements

The Market Explorer search has been improved!
ALL item stat bonuses are now searchable on the Market explorer window.
- Players can now search for up to 3 stat-bonuses at once, with the option to only find results that match all bonuses.
- Separated bonuses on the old Market explorer window such as Skill, Power, Hits, and Resists have been consolidated into the new bonus dropdowns.
ALL magic ability /uses and procs are now searchable on the Market explorer window.
- The old “Procs” category has been renamed to “Item Abilities”.
- In addition to the existing weapon slot options, a new “One Handed” slot option will return only right and left-handed weapons but not two-handed weapons, bows, or instruments.
- A new “Mythical” slot category has been added to search for mythirian items.
- The old “Weapon” slot has been renamed “Wieldable” and will return any wieldable weapon or item.
- Shift+clicking on the Min. Quality and Min/Max level buttons will now add/subtract 10.
- All other existing filters and functionality remains.
ALL item stat bonuses are now searchable on the Market explorer window.
Custom UI Developers
Custom UI developers: The bazaar_query.xml file has been updated to accommodate the new Market Explorer functionality.
- This file will need to be adjusted in the ui/custom folder for the new functionality to be visible in any custom UIs.
- For many custom UIs, this file can simply be copied over from the atlantis folder into the custom folder with no additional edits required, but for some custom UIs, the XML will need to be amended directly.
Bug Fixes
- The first item result in the Market explorer can once again be delved normally.
- The previous page button now works correctly on the Market Explorer results window.
Endless Conquest
Free Mithril
Veteran (subscribed) accounts will be receiving free Mithril currency every month as part of their subscription benefits.
- Developer’s Note: Rather than delay 1.127 further to include this benefit, it will be fully announced and released separately in the coming weeks.
Buff Potions
- Endless Conquest (EC) accounts can now use Draughts of Heroism and Supremacy potions.
XP Progression
- Endless Conquest characters that are grouped with a Veteran (subscribed) account character and within 5 levels of them will receive full XP bonuses just like the subscribed character.
Free Weekly Respecializations
All characters (including EC) can now obtain a weekly free realm and full skill respecialization from their king.
- These respecs can only be received once per week and only if the character does not already have that respec type currently available.
- Visit your realm’s throne room and follow the king’s dialogue to redeem!
Realm Timers on Account Upgrade
EC accounts that upgrade to a Veteran account while a realm timer is active will now have their realm timer cleared upon first logging in after upgrading and be able to immediately swap realms.
- Subsequent logins will still trigger the standard Veteran account 15-minute realm swap timer.
Guild Emblem Changes

Guild emblems and color schemes are no longer unique. Multiple guilds or all guilds from an alliance can now have the same emblem if they so choose.
- Applying an emblem for the first time has had its cost increased from 1 to 10 platinum.
Changing an emblem now has a cost of 10 platinum.
- The /gc emblem command now shows the cost dialog before proceeding to the emblem picker window.
- This cost is only debited from the character upon applying the new emblem selection.
- The guild emblem picker window now allows users to zoom in and out.
Existing Mounts
Mounts have been changed as follows:
All mounts are now set to no-trade.
The only exception is the 18-year Veteran reward Wyvern Mount which remains tradeable like all other Veteran rewards.
- This mount can also not be stabled.
- All mounts are now set to no-sell.
- All mounts can now be dropped on the ground or destroyed from your pack.
The only exception is the 18-year Veteran reward Wyvern Mount which remains tradeable like all other Veteran rewards.
All mounts are now set to no-trade.
New Royal Stable Hand NPC
A new Royal Stable Hand NPC has been added to each realm’s capital city.
Right-click-interact with the Royal Stable Hand to have him record your current mounts.
- Once recorded, those mounts can be obtained from the Stable Hand’s store going forward.
- Mounts currently equipped into the /mount window will need to be moved to your pack to be properly recorded by the Stable Hand.
- The stable hand’s dialogue will inform you of which mounts you are recorded as owning.
Players can obtain their recorded mounts anytime they wish from the Stable Hand!
- There’s no need to keep any unused mount items in your inventory (unless you want to), freeing up valuable pack space!
NOTE: Please be careful destroying any existing mount items. Attached saddles, horse armor, or barding will be LOST if they are not unequipped prior to destroying the mount item.
- Players can delve the mount to see what is attached or it can be placed into the /mount window.
- Several Warhorse and Unicorn variations that have been previously unavailable are listed on the Stable Hand NPC. Collect ‘em all at the Mithril shop!
Right-click-interact with the Royal Stable Hand to have him record your current mounts.
Mithril Shop
New wares have been added to the shop!
Fun new non-combat pets!
- Meet Keggars, whose friends are never boar-ed!
- Clasp your hands with glee with the Coco-companions!
Fabulous new spell effects!
- Strike fear in the hearts of your enemies and earn the awe of your allies with your very own Murder of Crows!
- Never-before-acquirable Unicorn mount variations!
Horse Trader summonable merchant!
- A portable stable hand. An NPC that will track all the mounts you own and save you valuable inventory space!
Fun new non-combat pets!
Classic Dungeons
- Savant, Overseer Tepok, and Juggernaut in Tepok's Mine now more predictably spawn and their respawn timers have been shortened.
- Grimnought Ejnar in Varulvhamn has had its respawn timer shortened.
- Callilepis Nocturna in Nisse's Lair has had its respawn timer shortened.
Curse Campaign
- Curse Campaign bosses and monsters will no longer have their damage immunity triggered by pet-based attacks and pets will now do full damage.
Bug Fixes
- All non-combat, cosmetic pets are now correctly limited to 1 summoned pet at a time.
Similarly named characters should no longer cause issues with partial name-matches involving /slash commands including but not limited to /invite, /who, /bg invite etc.
- The /makeleader command now requires full-name matching.
- Red leather dye can now be purchased at various dye merchants across the land.
- Greater Criosphinxes in the Shades of Mist artifact encounter should now always spawn properly.
- Wyverns, Dragonflies, and Griffins on their preset-travel routes should no longer stutter when right-click interacted.
- The Hibernia New User Journey quest Dergan Island now has the correct armor rewards for each armor type.
- The Albion New User Journey quest Ending Recruitment now has the correct armor rewards for each armor type.
- The Albion Tutorial quest Wings of the Isle’s flute location now aligns with the map’s quest dot.
Realm vs Realm
Rams can only be moved by targeting a door now.
- The ram will not move towards a ground-target or player/NPC target.
- Deploy your rams carefully!
Catapult and Trebuchet attacks will no longer interrupt other players.
- Catapult’s specialty ammunition ‘greek fire’ is now a direct damage spell instead of a damage-over-time and has had its damage increased inline with the default catapult ammunition and its radius increased from 200 to 450.
- Palintone and Ballista attacks will still interrupt.
- Catapult range has been reduced from 3500 to 3000 in-game units.
- Trebuchet range has been reduced from 5000 to 4500 in-game units.
- Palintone damage has been reduced by 25%.
Bug Fixes
- Corrected issue with ram-controllers being able to zoom out beyond normal character zoom length.
- Keep wall and outer keep gate difficulties in the Frontier have been reduced.
- This change is done with the aim of increasing more courtyard-centered keep battles by reducing the time it takes to get through outer keep walls and gates while maintaining the difficulty of inner keep doors.
- Outer keep gates still have varying difficulty based on keep location.
Bug Fixes
- There is now enough room inside the courtyards of Braemar and Leirvik keeps to deploy a ram in front of the inner-keep’s gate.
A “Use Classic Icons” option has been added to the character selection options window.
Enabling this option will show “old icons” for spell, style, and item icons in-game.
- Please note that newer icon stylings will be seen for any missing icon on these old files.
- For the most part, the old icons are exact copies of the 2007 “old icons” download from Mythic with some (very-few!) item-based icon exceptions that have a similar/identical look but larger image under the newer icon styling (such as jewels, necklaces, and potion icons).
When enabled, this option will supersede any spell/item/style icon sheets found in the client’s custom folder.
- Other than the icon sheets, all custom UI windows will still display normally.
- When disabled, any icon sheets in a custom folder will still supersede the default icon sheets.
Enabling this option will show “old icons” for spell, style, and item icons in-game.
New Ground Target Controls
Ground Target functionality has been revamped as follows:
- Users now toggle ground-target mode on or off with 1 click; it is no longer required to hold down the ground-target mode key.
- When ground-target mode is toggled on, the mouse cursor will change to a new GT-mode cursor.
When ground-target mode is toggled on, players, monsters, keeps, or other objects cannot be targeted.
- The only exception to this are doors which will always be targeted; even when the GT mode is enabled.
- Users can then click anywhere on the ground (terrain or structures) to set their ground target location.
- Once a ground target is set, GT-mode will end and the mouse cursor will return to normal.
- This change will allow users to move and pan around with their mouse while simultaneously placing ground targets.
It will no longer be possible to use the middle-mouse scroll wheel to manually set ground target height, however, the /groundset command now allows users to set distance AND height.
- For example: /groundset 300 100 to set a GT 300 units in front of your character and 100 units above the ground.
Spell Effects
- The /effects none | self | group | others | all command will now save its setting after logout and zoning.
The screenshot file naming convention has been changed:
- The new format is “daoc_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_###”
Bug Fixes
- Camera zoom is now limited to 3x instead of 5x when riding a boat.
- The guild emblem picker window now allows users to zoom in and out.
- Adjusting the alpha on the /realmwar map window will now save upon logout.
- The move-window cursor will no longer appear when shift+clicking on value chooser controls of the Market Explorer, LFG, Quiver, Merchants, and Money selector windows.
Class Changes
- (Gaheris only) Players can now use Personal, House, and Guild House bind recall stones in the frontier region.
Draught of supremacy has had Armor Factor and Acuity buff delves reduced to match the effectiveness of their class-based counterparts.
- Players will now need to use +buff% gear to cap the ‘spec’ AF and Acuity buffs at the same values as the class-based versions.
- Supremacy potion baseline Armor Factor delves are now normalized with class delves at 150.
- Blademaster’s Freezing Blade and Shrouded Blade Vests have had their Frozen Blade proc adjusted to grant +10% damage increase and immunity to critical melee hits for its duration.
- Astral Cloak of the Whispers now has the random-buff shear spell effect when its buff shear /use is applied.
The different levels of the Mastery of Concentration realm ability will once again modify the damage of the Shaman’s baseline single-target DoT correctly.
Shaman’s Curse set no longer increases the frequency of its DoT ticks. Now it also casts a 3s duration disease each DoT tick that halves healing done to the target and reduces their strength; but does not snare.
- Their Curse set still provides the same +10s duration benefit to Earthen Power as before.
Shaman’s Curse set no longer increases the frequency of its DoT ticks. Now it also casts a 3s duration disease each DoT tick that halves healing done to the target and reduces their strength; but does not snare.
- Minstrel Boots of Dark Slumber have had their conversion stat increased from 2% to 3%.
- The Runemaster's Loyalty cloak has had its magic damage increase buff reduced from 25% to 15%.
- The Bainshee's Loyalty cloak has had its damage taken reduction buff reduced from 35% to 25%.
- The Vampiir's Loyalty cloak powerdrain offensive proc buff has been reduced from 35 to 25 power and its chance to proc lowered from 20% to 15%.
- The Wizard's Loyalty cloak has had its Heart of Fire ability changed from a cooldown reset to a group +15% magic damage increase buff .
- The Abagath Sickle Strider scythe's damage type has been changed from thrust to slash.
Bug Fixes
- Non-shearable flagged abilities such as % RP/BP/XP bonuses bought in the Mithril Shop will no longer become shearable after relog or zoning.
- Scrolls of Mass Recall are once again functional in New Frontiers and will no longer cause players to hit a load screen when teleporting to a bindpoint in the same region.
- The magic resistances associated with the Champion’s Dex/Qui debuff can now be refreshed prior to their duration ending.
- Savage’s Curse set now affects their level 30+ abilities instead of just 35+.
- Necromancer’s Curse set armor now displays as cloth armor and is dyable by cloth dye.
- Armsman Dark Oblivion leggings now proc correctly.
- The Mythirian of Ektaktos now sells for the appropriate amounts.
- Arcane Sash and Adept Belt of the Vigilant Pictslayer are now named correctly in the Bountycraft window.
- Champion’s Curse set is now named correctly in the Bountycraft menu.
- (Gaheris only) Platinum-bound chests will now decrement correctly when opened.
Realm Abilities
Ichor’s duration is no longer affected by its targets’ magic resistances or crowd control reduction stats/abilities, does not benefit from +duration% gear, and has had its duration values changes as follows:
- Ichor 1: 5s
- Ichor 2: 7s
- Ichor 3: 9s
- Ichor 4: 12s
- Ichor 5: 15s
- Its damage values remain unchanged.
- Lower level versions of Ichor will now correctly apply and remove snare/root immunity from all targets.
- Stuns from realm abilities will now bypass stun-feedback spells.
Master Levels
- Battlemaster’s Bodyguard now protects against pets’ melee attacks as well as players.
- Battlemaster’s Bodyguard radius now matches Battlemaster style effects at 150 radius.
- All storm pulse-frequencies are now normalized at 5s.
- All storms can now affect a maximum of 24 targets at a time.
- All storms now display the name of the specific storm when targeted.
# | Name | Change |
1 | Dazzling Array | Casts a stun feedback buff to allies in its radius instead of an accuracy buff. Only works versus casted, non-realm ability stuns, melee style stuns will still land. |
2 | Vacuum Vortex | Power cost increased from 10% to 25%. |
3 | Enervating Gas | Unchanged from Endurance drain storm. |
4 | Inebriating Fumes | Changed from dexterity and quickness debuff to all stat debuff. |
5 | Mental Siphon | Unchanged from Power drain storm. |
6 | Focusing Winds | No longer a focus spell, casters can now participate in combat after casting it on a storm. Now a single-target pulsing spell that lasts 30s total with a 6s duration per tick/5s frequency. Now has a 10% power cost per pulse. |
7 | Fearsome Surge | Changed from strength stat debuff to pet scare. Now shares a timer with Energy Tempest. |
8 | Blinding Cloud | Changed from strength stat debuff to 50% melee fumble. |
9 | Energy Tempest | Unchanged from Essence direct damage storm. |
10 | Arcing Power | Unchanged from Area of Effect radius added to next ability. |
- Dazzling Array, Fearsome Surge, and Blinding Cloud have had their cooldown timers increased from 5 to 10 minutes.
- Levels 1, 4, and 8 still share a timer
- Levels 3 and 5 still share a timer
- Levels 7 and 9 now share a timer
Champion Levels
- The Damage Ward self-ABS buff has had its value reduced from 5% to 3%.
Bug Fixes
- Pets should no longer attempt to heal dead targets.
Second tier resistances will no longer reduce the duration of any negative effects, instead of only crowd control effects. Only first tier resists will affect duration of negative effects.
- The one exception to this is damage-over-time effects which have both their damage and duration affected by both resist tiers.
- Second tier resistances will still function as before regarding damage reduction.
- Sojourner ML10 Gateways will no longer cause grouped players to hit a load screen when teleporting to a bindpoint in the same region.
- Spells will once again message the caster and the target of the spell when the spell lands.
- Area-based messaging to players who are not the caster or target will remain disabled.
- Shield of the Soul and Elements will no longer be castable on targets who already have a Bard, Paladin, or Skald version of greater than 10% value.
- Enchanter’s Enchantment of Ice now has the correct spell level of 16.
- Eldritch, Enchanter, and Mentalist’s level 46 Prismatic Strobe single-target stun tooltip now displays its duration.
- Mentalist’s Ghostly Adversary spell now has the correct spell level of 20.
- Mentalist’s level 36 baseline stun now has the correct yellow border on its icon.
- Hunter pets should no longer stutter their movement when buffed by Wolfen Frenzy, Gleipnir’s Wish, Will, or Command.
- Doomhammer’s negative disarm effect is no longer affected by the Thane’s +duration%.
- Cleric’s should once again see the level 26 Stunning Glare casted stun ability in their Smiting baseline.
- Cleric’s Chausses of Intrepid Souls leggings now have the correct +2% casting speed bonus instead of +2% crafting speed.
- Friar’s Tranquility and Sorcerer’s Shield of Immunity abilities now properly co-exist.
- Heretic’s Tormenting Cocoon sub-level 49 versions will no longer be able to be resisted, mimicking the level 49 version.
- Necromancer’s Decrepit and Spirit forms should no longer overwrite any other buffs from items or potions.
- Sorcerer’s level 20 Lesser Body Lock root icon now correctly displays the area-of-effect widget.
- Sorcerer’s realm rank 5 ability now delves correctly.
- Sorcerer’s Impenetrable Shield ability will no longer cause them to drop speed when recasting it.
- The Ethereal Shriek specialization now has a 10% / 20% / 30% Body magic resist debuff at levels 28, 38, and 48.
- The Fear spells in Ethereal Shriek specialization have been removed and moved to Phantasmal Wail specialization at the same levels and values.
The casted resist buffs are now set to a permanent duration with a 5,000 radius leash range.
- This means that these buffs will last forever but will only remain on players that stay within 5,000 radius of the caster.
- The Protection Totem in Darkness specialization now can only affect a maximum of 8 targets.
- Bone Revenant line of spells will now target enemy player pets as well as enemy players.
The Bone Revenant line of spells will now replace lower level versions of itself in the spell list.
These spells will now appear under a separate Darkness category in the spell list.
- NOTE: They will NOT appear in the training window UI when specializing Darkness for now, but will still be received after clicking ‘train’.
- This is done to prevent Bonedancers from putting up multiple versions of this spell at once.
These spells will now appear under a separate Darkness category in the spell list.
- The Molten Earthquake PBAoE in the Matter Manipulation specialization has had its damage reduced from 425 to 395.
- Void Mastery specialization’s level 47 Bolt of Uncreation bolt has had its delve increased to 331 damage.
- Shadow Control specialization’s direct damage line of spells have been converted to 10% cold debuff and damage spells.
- The Mana Deluge PBAoE in the Vaccumancy specialization has had its damage reduced from 425 to 395.
- The Disenchanting Explosion PBAoE in the Empowering specialization has had its damage reduced from 425 to 395.
- Friar’s can now train the Mastery of Focus realm ability.
- Friar’s Tranquility and Sorcerer’s Shield of Immunity abilities now properly co-exist.
- Friar’s instant cast haste buff spells have been removed from the Enhancement specialization.
- The level 32 spell Amplified Celerity has been moved to level 30 in Augmentation specialization.
- The level 40 spell Pure Celerity has been moved to level 35 in Augmentation specialization.
- The level 30 spell Gods' Vigor has been moved to level 25 in Augmentation specialization.
- The level 40 spell Gods' Potency has been moved to level 35 in Augmentation specialization.
- Healers will need to perform a skill respecialization to see these lower levels.
The following changes have been made to Archery shots with the aim of lowering their damage at level 45 and below without affecting level 45+ damage:
- All archery shots will now deal around 25% less damage overall.
All archers will now receive a 30m duration self-buff, Eagle Eye, for free at level 45 that grants them a 25% increase in archery damage.
- The net change to level 45+ archers’ damage should be neutral when using this new buff.
- Eagle Eye can be found under the ‘Abilities’ category in the spell list.
- Hunter pets should no longer stutter their movement when buffed by Wolfen Frenzy, Gleipnir’s Wish, Will, or Command.
- Bola (root) shots will now be blocked by and remove bladeturns.
- The Gift of Renewal offensive heal proc has had its heal value reduced from 125 to 85. Its proc chance remains unchanged.
The level 50 ability Bringer of Death in the Decrepit specialization has been removed and replaced with the following:
- Speed of the Dead: +135% movement speed that does not break in-combat and ignores speedwarps – Instant Cast – 20s duration – 5 minute cooldown
- There are no shapeshifts or other buffs associated with this ability so it can be used with any of the 3 Necromancer forms and realm rank 5.
The Way of Magic line of spells in Painworking specialization have had their damage to health conversion values reduced as follows:
- Level 44 - 75% damage dealt converted to health
- Level 34 - 50% damage dealt converted to health
- Level 24 - 25% damage dealt converted to health
- Level 14 - 10% damage dealt converted to health
Decrepit Form's disease defensive proc chance has been reduced from 100% to 50%
- The disease has had its snare amount set to the standard 15% snare.
- This change also effects the realm rank 5 form's disease and proc chance.
- The disease from the Soultorn pet has had its snare amount set to the standard 15% snare.
- The delves of the Power Absorb line of spells now correctly state that they give 150% of the damage dealt as power instead of 300%.
- The Death Servant specialization’s spirit aegis pet’s melee style has had its damage lowered.
The casted resist buffs are now set to a permanent duration with a 5,000 radius leash range.
- This means that these buffs will last forever but will only remain on players that stay within 5,000 radius of the caster.
- Nature's Madness realm rank 5 ability has had its sever the tether and pet-kill aspects changed to a 30s duration pet scare that continually pulses for the duration of the storm.
The following changes have been made to Archery shots with the aim of lowering their damage at level 45 and below without affecting level 45+ damage:
- All archery shots will now deal around 25% less damage overall.
All archers will now receive a 30m duration self-buff, Eagle Eye, for free at level 45 that grants them a 25% increase in archery damage.
- The net change to level 45+ archers’ damage should be neutral when using this new buff.
- Eagle Eye can be found under the ‘Abilities’ category in the spell list.
- Bola (root) shots will now be blocked by and remove bladeturns.
- Runecarving specialization’s level 47 Sigil of Undoing bolt has had its delve increased to 331 damage.
- Runecarving specialization’s direct damage line of spells have been converted to 10% energy debuff and damage spells.
The following changes have been made to Archery shots with the aim of lowering their damage at level 45 and below without affecting level 45+ damage:
- All archery shots at all levels will now deal around 25% less damage.
All archers will now receive a 30m duration instant cast self-buff, Eagle Eye, for free at level 45 that grants them a 25% increase in archery damage.
- The net change to level 45+ archers’ damage should be neutral when using this new buff.
- Eagle Eye can be found under the ‘Abilities’ category in the spell list.
- Bola (root) shots will now be blocked by and remove bladeturns.
The casted resist buffs are now set to a permanent duration with a 5,000 radius leash range.
- This means that these buffs will last forever but will only remain on players that stay within 5,000 radius of the caster.
- The Soul Abolition PBAoE in the Spirit Suppression specialization has had its damage reduced from 425 to 395.
- The timered self-haste buff spells have been removed from the Valewalking specialization.
- Claw attacks in all 3 specializations have had their power costs increased by 33%.
- Warlock Cursing specialization direct damage spells have had their damage types changed from Matter to Spirit.
- Warlock Cursing baseline direct damage spells have had their damage types changed from Spirit to Matter.
- The Cursing specialization’s level 46 direct damage spell Warping Curse has had its delve increased from 199 to 209.
- The Wall of Flame realm rank 5 ability has had its hit buffer value increased from 400 to 700 health.
- Earth Magic specialization’s level 46 Lava’s Fury bolt has had its delve increased to 331 damage.
- Earth Magic specialization now has a 15% / 30% / 50% Heat magic resist debuff at levels 22, 33, and 44.
- The Steaming Tempest PBAoE in the Liquifaction specialization has had its damage reduced from 425 to 395.