1.122C Live Server Patch Notes
A Dragon's Curse Campaign

- Prologue:
There is an un...easy tension stirring in Albion. Commander Selan and her companions, King Constantine’s chosen heroes, have been given authority over this unusual phenomenon. There is quite the uproar occurring near Albion’s grand church. Find Commander Selan and speak to her!
Roshak has been assigned to investigate the distrubance in Malmohous by King Eirik and is ruminating on who should lead the expedition. Theso, leader of an unruly band of treasure hunters and scoundrels known as the Frozen Torch, is now leading the forefront to find lost Midgard relics. The only way to stop these treasures from falling into the wrong hands is to find them first, and that’s just what Sigrun of the Shield of Valhalla, a sect of Valkyries and other soldiers loyal to Midgard’s ancestry, plans to do. Visit Roshak in the Assembly Hall and then find Sigrun and Theso arguing near the Burial Grounds in Jordheim.
The Veil has become unstable, and we’ve dispatched Hibernian Magi to try and quell the disruption. On top of that, a Glimmerling has ventured from Sheeroe Hills and has come to Tir Na Nog seeking an alliance in regards to the unstable rift. The Glimmer working with Hibernia is a rare occurrence indeed, and is worth at least hearing out this messenger. Our Tailtiu allies have escorted the Glimmer here, and Supreme Eldritch Cystilla has been assigned to oversee the matter at the rift's entrance.
The Catacombs are no longer safe for players to venture into.
Intrepid adventurers should seek out the NPCs mentioned above to see what might be done about it.
- Please note that any characters logged out in Catacombs will be moved to their bind point or last safe zone upon login. This process sometimes takes two attempts when logging in from the character selection screen.
Intrepid adventurers should seek out the NPCs mentioned above to see what might be done about it.
- The /appeal system windows’ text has been updated to better direct players to their best course of action.
- Enemy realm characters can once again teleport to the ruined keeps of Caer Benowyc, Bledmeer Faste, and Dun Crauchon as long as the requisite towers and keep are captured and the supply line is intact.
- Players can now use the /realmwar map window to teleport directly to the relic towns.
All “slow” spells have been converted to “snare” spells that ignore (and do not grant) immunity.
- This means that all expected mechanics work (purgeable, does not work on targets under the effects of Speed of Sound, Charge, etc.).
- Snares function like roots, and as their duration dwindles, so too does the power of the snare.
- These snares do not break on damage.
- Magical-based snares are reduced by resistances, Determination, and Stoicism.
- Some spells that were slows have been removed altogether. See below!
All weapons on all realms that once had proccing pets have had their procs changed as follows. The affected weapons are:
Traitor’s Dagger
- Pet proc remains. Duration reduced to 15s. Vampiric Mist damage increased slightly.
Astral Blade of Illusions
- Pet proc remains. Duration reduced from 15s to 8s. Proc can still not be used in Mobile Stance on light tanks.
- Damage over time proc remains.
Astral Mace of Illusions
- Pet proc remains. Duration reduced from 15s to 8s. Proc can still not be used in Mobile Stance on light tanks.
- Damage over time proc remains.
Astral Hammer of Illusions
- Pet proc remains. Duration reduced from 15s to 8s. Proc can still not be used in Mobile Stance on light tanks.
- Damage over time proc remains.
Astral Conflagrant Sword/Hatchet
- Now procs 115 essence direct damage.
- Damage over time proc remains.
Astral Mephitic Fang
- The essence direct damage proc has been reduced from 150 to 115 damage.
- Disease proc remains.
Astral Voltaic Great Sword
Pet proc remains.
- Damage from the storm proc has been reduced from 95 to 35 essence direct damage.
- Damage from the storm proc pet has been reduced from 85 to 25 essence direct damage.
- 150 essence direct damage proc remains.
Pet proc remains.
Astral Voltaic Great Hammer
Pet proc remains.
- Damage from the storm proc has been reduced from 95 to 35 essence direct damage.
- Damage from the storm proc pet has been reduced from 85 to 25 essence direct damage.
- 150 essence direct damage proc remains.
Pet proc remains.
Astral Voltaic War Pick
Pet proc remains.
- Damage from the storm proc has been reduced from 95 to 35 essence direct damage.
- Damage from the storm proc pet has been reduced from 85 to 25 essence direct damage.
- 150 essence direct damage proc remains.
Pet proc remains.
Astral Voltaic Spear/Polearm
Pet proc remains.
- Damage from the storm proc has been reduced from 95 to 35 essence direct damage.
- Damage from the storm proc pet has been reduced from 85 to 25 essence direct damage.
- 150 essence direct damage proc remains.
Pet proc remains.
Virge of Forgotten Souls
- Now procs a debuff that reduces the target’s casting speed by 75% for 25 seconds.
Discarded Red Cap Hammer
- Now procs a debuff that reduces the target’s casting speed by 75% for 25 seconds.
Unseelie Harvester
- Now procs a debuff that reduces the target’s casting speed by 75% for 25 seconds.
Nevermore’s Broken Bone
- Pet proc remains. Duration reduced to 8s.
Ice Shard
- Now directly procs a 3 second snare that ignores root immunity.
Traitor’s Dagger
Bug Fixes
- The mouse cursor should no longer move to the center of the client’s window and register clicks in rare cases, usually involving some combination of left+right-click to move forward and attempting to target.
Several fixes were implemented to alleviate issues for players who used left-click and right-click mouse keybinds as gameplay functions (such as auto-run, stick, face, etc.).
- These fixes should enable these players to use the mouse as they currently do on live (or very close to it).
Added a /keyboard window setting to enable or disable the "move forward" keybind from breaking auto-run.
- The default setting will be that auto-run is NOT broken by the "move forward" key.
- User Interface editors should look at the key_config.xml window in the UI/Atlantis folder to see the new setting and add it to any custom key_config.xml windows.
- Mouselook is now automatically turned off when bringing up the /keyboard window.
- Tooltips will no longer draw when in mouse look or mouse pan modes.
The /keyboard window no longer allows mouse clicks to go through the window.
- This means targeting, mouse-turning, or mouse-panning will no longer happen if the initial click happens while the cursor is hovering over the /keyboard window.
- The issue causing other player-characters to periodically disappear from view when inside the clip-view range has been corrected.
- Hibernian Siegecrafters will now see the Fortified War Ram Apparatus recipe (130 skill) show up in their list properly.
- Fixed a crash bug in some behind-the-scenes guild processes.
- Several issues with taunt styles/spells and heal spells applying incorrect “hate” values have been corrected. This should result in much more consistent monster-aggro management in PvE.
- Fixed an issue where occasionally characters who had been deleted would remain in the guild’s roster.
- Omni-regen potions should no longer overwrite concentration-based power regen buffs from Healers.
- Omni-regen potions should no longer overwrite concentration-based health regen buffs from Clerics.
- The positions of Dun Ailinne’s towers should be corrected on the /realmwar map.
Added a new slash command for custom UI developers to better debug adapter issues in-game:
/showadapter <name>
- This command displays the current value of any scalar or text UI adapters.
- Use this page to find a list of adapters: http://darkageofcamelot.com/content/xml-user-interface
/showadapter <name>
- Certain class abilities will no longer have their reuse timers reset by zoning or relogging.
Class Balance
Bug Fixes
- The Cloak of the Loyal Bainshee’s delve and tooltip now both show the correct value of 35% for the Sound Barrier /use.
- The Cloak of the Loyal Warrior's group fury buff has had its chance to resist Crowd Control reduced from 100% down to 50%. This will fix the issue causing debuffs to last through death on the Warrior and his groupmates when this ability is activated.
- The Bonedancer’s returned cadet commander pet (level 16) now properly limits its maximum sub-pets to 2.
- The Shaman’s Caustic Carapace ability now correctly awards the Shaman and his group realm points for any players killed by it.
- Necromancer’s should no longer randomly lose concentration buffs when switching between their various forms.
- Champion’s strength/constitution and dexterity/quickness line of self-buffs no longer overwrite concentration and supremacy potion buffs.
Champion’s strength/constitution and dexterity/quickness self-buffs now have a casting animation.
- Note that Champion’s will need to respec to their Valor specialization to see this fix.
- Champion’s strength/constitution and dexterity/quickness and Friar’s Grandmaster Staffman self-buffs should no longer trigger a 2s cast timer after their casts are completed.
- Warden’s self-health regen buff should no longer be overwritten by Bards’ health regen chant.
- Archery Bola and Patella shots should miss much less often now.
Realm abilities now only fire and reset their cooldown when the cast succeeds.
A few examples of this are as follows:
- The Vehement Renewal realm ability will no longer fire and reset its cooldown if the group’s HP is full.
- The Ameliorating Melodies/Vehement Renewal realm abilities will no longer fire and reset their cooldown if the user is not in a group.
- Raging Power/Mystic Crystal Lore realm abilities will no longer fire and reset their cooldown if the user is at full power.
A few examples of this are as follows:
Spectral Guard (Spectral Force specialization)
- The frontal cone slow spells have been changed to a snare that ignores immunities, but functions like a snare for all other situations (Affected by Determination and Stoicism, SoS, Charge, Speed, etc).
Frenzy Stance has been reworked:
No longer procs Weapons of the Einherjar.
- Instead procs a single-target debuff that penalizes casting time of enemy casters by 50% for 20s.
- 15% chance to proc has been reduced to 10%.
- Movement speed increased by 20%, up from 15%.
- Evasion increased by 10%.
- Attack speed increased by 50%.
- Increases secondary magic resistances by 10%.
- All damage dealt reduced by 75%.
No longer procs Weapons of the Einherjar.
Dancing Blades has been reworked:
No longer procs Spirit Blades.
- Instead procs a single-target debuff that penalizes casting time of enemy casters by 50% for 20s.
- 15% chance to proc has been reduced to 10%.
- Movement speed increased by 20%, up from 15%.
- Evasion increased by 10%.
- Attack speed increased by 50%.
- Increases secondary magic resistances by 10%.
- All damage dealt reduced by 75%.
No longer procs Spirit Blades.
Bone Protection (Suppression specialization)
- Grasping Totem, and all subsequent versions, have changed from a slow to a snare. This snare ignores root immunities and does not provide an immunity, but functions like a snare for all other situations (Affected by Determination and Stoicism, SoS, Charge, Speed, etc).
Bone Legion (Bone Army specialization)
Pets have changed as follows:
- The Dread Lord no longer stuns its target.
Fossil Mystic
- Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 75%.
Fossil Healer
- Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 75%.
Fossil Conjurer
- Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 75%.
Fossil Seer
- Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 75%.
Spirit Animation
Pets have changed as follows:
Ruby Simulacrum
- Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 100%.
Sapphire Simulacrum
- Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 100%.
Emerald Simulacrum
- No longer has snare styles.
Jade Simulacrum
- Movement speed once again reduced.
Ruby Simulacrum
Enchantments (Baseline)
Pets have changed as follows:
Underhill Stalker
- Anytime style no longer has a bleed effect.
- This ability was interrupting every tick.
Underhill Companion
- Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 100%.
Underhill Compatriot
- Movement speed once again reduced.
Underhill Ally
- Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 100%.
Underhill Stalker
- No longer has stun styles.
Underhill Zealot
- Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 75%.
Underhill Stalker
Enchanting (Enchantments specialization)
- The slow effect on Enchantment of Ice has been changed to a snare effect that ignores root immunities.
Way of the Rogue
Way of the Rogue has been reworked:
No longer procs Shadow Daggers.
- Instead procs a single-target debuff that penalizes casting time of enemy casters by 50% for 20s.
- 15% chance to proc has been reduced to 10%.
- Movement speed increased by 20%, up from 15%.
- Evasion increased by 10%.
- Attack speed increased by 50%.
- Increases secondary magic resistances by 10%.
- All damage dealt reduced by 75%.
No longer procs Shadow Daggers.
- Necromancers have been given a forced skill respec to accommodate the following changes.
Deathsight (Baseline)
The Decrepit Form’s health regeneration value at level 50 has been reduced.
- This reduction also affects the Bringer of Death and Call of Darkness abilities’ health regeneration rates.
The ground area Slow, Unholy Ground, and all subsequent versions have been removed and replaced with the following:
A new ground area spell has been added with the following levels and values:
- Level 6 – Decrepit Ground – Instant cast – 30s reuse – 1000 range – 250 radius – 30s duration – 20 power – Inflicts a wasting disease on all enemies within the area for 4s each tick.
- Level 16 – Wretched Ground – Instant cast – 30s reuse – 1000 range – 275 radius – 30s duration – 30 power – Inflicts a wasting disease on all enemies within the area for 4s each tick.
- Level 26 – Rotting Ground – Instant cast – 30s reuse – 1000 range – 300 radius – 30s duration – 45 power – Inflicts a wasting disease on all enemies within the area for 4s each tick.
- Level 36 – Desecrated Ground – Instant cast – 30s reuse – 1000 range – 325 radius – 30s duration – 62 power – Inflicts a wasting disease on all within the area for 4s each tick.
- Level 46 – Unholy Ground – Instant cast – 30s reuse – 1000 range – 350 radius – 30s duration – 75 power – Inflicts a wasting disease on all enemies within the area for 4s each tick.
- Ground spells are targeted spells that place their effect on the ground at the target’s location.
- All ground spells share a reuse timer with one another (across the Necromancer class). Only one ground spell per Necromancer can be active at any time. Duration does not increase the duration of ground spells.
A new ground area spell has been added with the following levels and values:
Deathsight Mastery (Deathsight specialization)
- The single target slow spells have been changed to a snare that ignores immunities, but functions like a snare for all other situations (Affected by Determination and Stoicism, SoS, Charge, Speed, etc).
- The AF Debuff, Glimpse of Death, and all subsequent levels have had their durations reduced to 15 seconds, down from 45 seconds.
The level 50 Deathsight ability, Bringer of Death, has been changed as follows:
- Necromancers now take 35% more damage from all sources when this ability is active, instead of reducing all damage taken by 35%.
- It still grants uninterrupted casting, a +25% run speed bonus, and all Decrepit Form bonuses for its duration.
- The RuT of 15 minutes and duration of 20s remain unchanged. The tooltip displaying a RuT of 10 minutes is now showing the correct value.
Painworking Mastery (Painworking specialization)
The single target slow spells have been changed to a snare that ignores immunities, but functions like a snare for all other situations (Affected by Determination and Stoicism, SoS, Charge, Speed, etc).
- Increased to 90%, up from 80%, due to how snares function against resistances.
- Summon Death Shredder has been removed.
- The self parry increase buff, Swords of Arawn, and all subsequent versions, has been removed.
- The area of effect Slow proc on Nethersbane has been changed to an AoE snare that pierces immunities and does not provide immunities.
- The level 50 style, Deathseeker, now reduces healing spells cast by the target by 50% for 25 seconds.
Death Servant (Baseline)
Pets have changed as follows:
Umbral Aegis
- Movement speed once again reduced.
- Snare effect on the highest version pet has been reduced to 15%, down from 20%.
The Phantom version of this pet has had its disease’s snare value reduced from 70% to 35%.
- The snare from the snare nuke remains at 15% and these two snares stack.
- Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 100%.
Priest of Arawn
- Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 100%.
- Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 100%.
Umbral Aegis
Frenzy Stance has been reworked:
No longer procs Weapons of the Einherjar.
- Instead procs a single-target debuff that penalizes casting time of enemy casters by 50% for 20s.
- 15% chance to proc has been reduced to 10%.
- Movement speed increased by 20%, up from 15%.
- Increases secondary magic resistances by 10%.
- All damage dealt reduced by 75%.
No longer procs Weapons of the Einherjar.
Summoning (Baseline)
Pets have changed as follows:
Spirit Warrior
- Movement speed once again reduced.
Spirit Runemaster
- Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 100%.
Spirit Shaman
- Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 100%.
Spirit Valkyrie
- Now has a 25% chance to ignore interruption, down from 100%. Will give up casting and attack after 3 failed attempts.
Spirit Warrior
Spirit Manipulation (Summoning specialization)
- The PBAoE slow spells have been changed to a snare that ignores immunities, but functions like a snare for all other situations (Affected by Determination and Stoicism, SoS, Charge, Speed, etc).
- The single target power drain line of spells have had their power returns increased from 10% of damage done to 20%.
User Interface
- Buggane’s Obelisk ownership is now reflected in the /realm window.
The Dynamic Population System now has its bonuses displayed in the /realmwar window’s Realm Bonus page.
User Interface editors can display the population bonus on any window using the following new text adapters:
- alb_low_pop_rp_bonus
- mid_low_pop_rp_bonus
- hib_low_pop_rp_bonus
User Interface editors can display the population bonus on any window using the following new text adapters:
Added a /keyboard window setting to enable or disable the "move forward" keybind from breaking auto-run.
- The default setting will be that auto-run is NOT broken by the "move forward" key.
- User Interface editors should look at the key_config.xml window in the UI/Atlantis folder to see the new setting and add it to any custom key_config.xml windows.