1.123B Pendragon Hot Fix

RvR Changes


A new "Daily" quest system has been added.
  • Daily quests are just like normal quests except that they can only be obtained once per day.
    • The daily quest timer resets each day at 12:01 AM EST. So long as a given daily quest was not already completed that day or isn't already in progress, it can be obtained each new day.
      • This means there is no time limit on completing a daily quest, just a limit on how often they can be obtained after a completion.
        • For example, a player can get a daily quest on Monday, complete it that same day, and they won't be able to get it again until 12:01 AM (EST) on Tuesday. However, a player can also get a daily quest on Monday, wait to complete it on Wednesday, and then can get the quest again on Thursday at 12:01 AM.
  • To start, daily quests have only been introduced in the Frontiers as RvR-related quests:
    • There are 3 "always-available" daily quests and 1 randomly-chosen daily quest each day.
      • The always available daily quests are as follows:
        • [Daily] Roaming with Friends - This quest requires players to kill 75 enemy realm players in the open-field (not near keeps, towers, docks, ruins, etc.) while grouped.
        • [Daily] The Solo Road - This quest requires players to kill 15 enemy realm players while solo.
        • [Daily] For the Realm - This quest requires players to kill 50 enemy realm players in any keep that is currently under siege, while grouped.
          • These quests grant players 10,000 realm points per completion, per quest.
          • These quests are only available to level 50 players.
          • All 3 of these quests can be picked up at once, the daily timer only applies to each quest on a per character basis.
      • The randomly chosen daily quests are as follows:
        • [Daily] Battle of Lucan's Summit - Defeat 50 enemy realm players around Lucan's Summit (entire "plateau" area in Albion's Frontier)
        • [Daily] Battle of Uald Heights - Defeat 50 enemy realm players around Uald Heights (entire "plateau" area in Midgard's Frontier)
        • [Daily] Battle of the Cavana Drift - Defeat 50 enemy realm players around Cavana Drift (entire "plateau" area in Hibernia's Frontier)
        • [Daily] War for Ellan Vannin - Defeat 50 enemy realm players in Ellan Vannin
        • [Daily] Brough Ruins Skirmish - Defeat 50 enemy realm players around the Brough Ruins (Albion "maze" area)
        • [Daily] Hvedungr Hill Skirmish - Defeat 50 enemy realm players around Hvedrungr Hill (Midgard "maze" area)
        • [Daily] Nuala's Ruins Skirmish - Defeat 50 enemy realm players around Nuala's Ruins (Hibernia "maze" area)
          • All 3 realms will be given the same randomly-chosen quest each day so that everyone has the same quest and objective for that day.
          • These quests grant players 15,000 realm points per completion, per quest.
          • These quests are only available to level 50 players.
          • This quest can be obtained in addition to the 3 "always available" daily quests, for a total of 4 daily quests on a character per day. A character cannot obtain any additional rotated daily quests on subsequent days until the one they are on is either abandoned or completed.
    • Enemy player kill quests' credit is determined by the group who gets the deathblow on the player. Battlegroup credit is not possible for this reason.
    • These quests can be obtained from the following NPCs in each realm's relic towns, border keeps, or in Ellan Vannin's safe portal locations:
      • Albion: General Kogis
      • Midgard: General Bruki
      • Hibernia: General Vegda
  • Several RvR tasks and quests have been removed and are meant to be replaced with this new daily quest system.
    • This includes all personal, group, and guild missions received from General Kogis, General Bruki, and General Vegda.
    • Commander Wentworth, Commander Hrurdin, and Commander Locke have had all of their RvR quests removed except for the Scouting Ellan Vannin quest.
    • All other RvR quests and tasks remain untouched.
      • The Supplies for the Cause is still obtainable from the Dockmasters near Caer Benowyc, Bledmeer Faste, or Dun Crauchon.
      • The Royal Accountant's still require assistance with the Doppelganger threat.

Item Changes

Ablatives and Item Use Restrictions

  • Due to feedback, the Use Limitations item /use restriction system has been removed entirely. Items can once again be used as they are on live, with only the standard 90s item use timer limiting how many item-based abilities can be put up at one time.
In conjunction with the removal of the Use Limitations system on Pendragon, the ablative values have been reduced further and those reductions now include the melee/magic combination ablative types instead of just the melee-only or magic-only ones. The following ablative changes now supersede the 1.123A Pendragon Patch notes' ablative changes:
  • All item-based, single-target ablative spells that were /used or procced have been converted to melee AND magic ablatives. This should cause less ablative stacking overall since the same type of ablative cannot stack with itself (the higher value ablative overwrites the lower).
    • Item-based ablative have had their values reduced as follows (these are based on current live values):
      • 500+ down to 250.
      • 301-499 down to 200.
      • 201-300 down to 175.
      • 151-200 down to 150.
      • 126-150 down to 125.
      • 90-124 set to 100.
      • 75-89 set to 75.
      • 50-74 set to 50.
      • 35-49 set to 35.
      • 34 and lower set to 25.
      • All ablative % absorbed values remain untouched. In other words, if a 350 melee-only ablative prior to 1.123 had a 50% damage absorption rate, it will now be a 200 melee and magic ablative with a 50% damage absorption rate.
    • Pre-existing melee and magic ablatives have also had their values lowered. So Frozen Medal of Honor's ablative /use has been reduced from 500 to 250 too.
  • Again, this change only affects item-based ablatives. Class, realm ability, and loyalty cloak ablative buffs remain as they are: melee, magic, or melee/magic.

Class Changes


Critical Strike specialization has been improved as follows:
  • Level 18 – Garrote – Anytime – No Hit Bonus increased to Low Hit Bonus.
  • Level 29 – Leaper – Follows Pincer – 2% ABS debuff increased to 3% ABS debuff.
  • Level 45 – Death’s Door – Follows Garrote – Low Hit Bonus increased to Med. Hit Bonus - 1% ABS debuff increased to 2% ABS debuff.
  • Level 50 – Ripper – Follows Achilles Heel – Damage increased by about 20% (remains Very High Damage).

Darkness specialization
  • Obsidian Totem, and all subsequent versions, has had its cast time increased from instant to 2 seconds and the cast is now interuptable.
    • The cooldown and all other aspects of the spells remain as is.

Suppression specialization
  • Grasping Totem, and all subsequent versions, has had its cast time increased from instant to 2 seconds and the cast is now interuptable.
    • The cooldown and all other aspects of the spells remain as is.
  • Call of Darkness has been reduced to a duration of 30 seconds.
  • Call of Darkness no longer grants the benefits of Spirit Form. It now only grants the bonuses of Decrepit Form and Chthonic Form.
  • Nethersbane is no longer removed from a Necromancer's inventory on logout unless they no longer have 50 Painworking specialization.

Bug Fixes and Client Updates

  • The dungeons of Childe's Tomb, Drakulvhamn, and A Rift are now labeled on their respective maps of Dartmoor, Malmohus, and Sheeroe Hills.
  • The "maze," "plateau," and new ruined areas in the Frontier are now labeled on their /map windows by nearby region names as follows:
    • Albion Maze area in Pennine Mountains: Brough Ruins
    • Midgard Maze area in Jamtland Mountains: Hvedrungr Hill Ruins
    • Hibernia Maze area in Emain Macha: Nula's Ruins
    • Albion Plateau area in Snowdonia: Lucan's Summit
    • Midgard Plateau area in Odin's Gate: Uald Heights
    • Hibernia Plateau area in Breifine: Cavana Drift
    • Albion ruined area in Hadrian's Wall: Folley Lake
    • Midgard ruined area in Odin's Gate: The Trellebourg
    • Hibernia ruined area in Emain Macha: Moydruim Castle 