Grab Bag - October 19, 2007
It's super quick, super quick, it's super quickie . . . yeah.
Q. I heard an in-game rumor that there are plans to remove stealth from all the archers in the game, is that true and if so why?
A. I have a funny story about this question. The Balancinator got me good when I forwarded it to him. He messaged me and said, 'How did people find this out already?! Hardly anyone knows about it!' I was halfway through a panic-stricken letter to the Producer when I was reassured: Missy, I was joking. We have no plans to remove stealth from the game. It reminds me of that old proverb. Believe nothing of what you hear, and only half of what you see.
Q. I used to be able to use tinderboxes in Darkness Falls, but now it says I can't. I've talked to many who remember using them there. Is there a bug or did you change it?
A. The Bearded Wonder explained this one for me: The tinderboxes were designed to not work in RVR related zones and Darkness Falls is in that category. If they were usable there for some time, this would have been the bug. So as you describe them now, they're working the way they were designed to work.
Q. I searched the knowledgebase and couldn't find any info about how spell focus bonus works. Does it decrease power cost for all spells cast or just for baseline spells?
A. This is one of those questions that gets forwarded straight to our Balancinator. Here's his reply: Your spells actually cost more than the listed value without the aid of focus bonus. Now add in focus bonus appropriate to your level and your baseline spells actually cost the listed amount in the delve. Your spec line spells will actually cost less than the listed delve value if you have the proper focus bonus.
Q. I recently played in a Dragon Raid as a Bonedancer. I was told I could not have any pets because the pet gets kill credit and the battlegroup does not if the pet happens to get the killing blow. I was also told that this prevents any loot from dropping because the pet can't get loot. Finally, the group said that this applies to all pets, not just Bonedancer pets. I'm hoping that this is an Urban Legend or Myth! Is this really what happens?
A. This has been tested many times over the years and recently as well with the new encounters. Says the Bearded Wonder, as you mention in your question: It's an urban legend. I've killed the dragon with just pets on our internal server and it dropped loot just fine.
Q. I started the dragon campaigns on my vamp and got the armor for her. I received the quest to kill the 3 dragons for the weapon, but was unable to complete it before the campaign ended and changes began to the quest lines. I have researched the herald for information on how to complete this and obtain the weapon. I have found that Golestandt and Gjalpinulva need to be triggered but have not been able to locate how to do this, a quest item I am assuming but have found no mention of a person to receive this from. Any information or help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
A. The Dragon Lady offers: This information is currently on the Campaign Guide posted on the Herald. The quest for the trigger item starts with Lirazal in Tir na mBeo. It is called "The Three Dragons." You must have completed the Great Hunt quest at least once to receive this quest.
Q. Now that siegecrafting has been revamped, is there a use for the frosted gem of condensation and flask of glacial essence?
A. Currently there isn't a use for these items rather than sell them. We might use them in the future though, if we ever need to create new recipes, so we saw no reason to take them out.
Q. I love the color scheme for the Sigil armor set(blue/gold). Is it possible to duplicate that same color scheme with other armor types (ie Dragonsworn, DragonSlayer and Epic armor sets) and if so, what colors are needed?
A. Our artists have a wider range of color selections available to them when they paint the base skins of armor. This allows them to create highly unique looks that set those armor sets apart from others in the game. Says the Bearded Wonder: Assuming that the player means the base texture on the item, they would not be able to match the color scheme exactly on other sets as those sets have base textures that are different. Applying a dye would not allow them to get the same colors exactly. Your best bet would be to look at the dye colors available to you and then try to match those colors the best way you can.
This week's Grab Bag is brought to you by - you! If you have a burning question you're dying have the answer to, send it in. Just select Questions from the dropdown menu of our Feedback Form.
Congratulations to the winners of our annual Guild Website Contest! If you missed out on this one, don't worry, more contests are coming your way soon. Keep an eye on the Herald next week for a spooky chance at prizes and fame.
Wow, for a short Grab Bag this one sure did put me through the wringer. Yes, it was up for a minute, and yes, it did disappear. That would be me accidentally deleting it. I need a mocha.
Anyway, that's all I've got for this week. Have fun storming the castle, maybe I'll see you out there!