Grab Bag - November 12, 2005
The question isn't why I'm awake, the question is why YOU'RE awake:
Why does my house think I'm still in my old guild when I try to hang guild banners? None of my toons are in that guild anymore, and all of my characters are in a new guild.
From your friends in CS: "This happens in one of two ways: "When a player has a Banner or Shield bearing their old guild hall in the home, they won't be able to display the new banners until all old ones are removed. "When a player has no Banner/Shield items on the wall, the first time they place new ones for the new guild, they need to zone out of, and back into, the home. We see them as the new banners, the player needs to zone once before they will display proper to them. They will still see the old banners until they do."
Oftentimes when fighting enemy keeps / towers, a few people get very upset at anyone who loots the coin bags the guards drop because they believe whole heartedly that picking up the dropped loot speeds up the respawn time of the guards. Is this true? I would absolutely love to be able to point directly to the answer to this silly debate and diminish the spread of false information (even if it is true and they were right along, at least I'd know for sure).
I was laughing, until it occurred to me that the laugh might be on me. So, I double checked with the Content Queen, who replied, "Wow, that's a new one to me =) Nope, pure silliness." Point away.
What happened to the poll before this last batch, asking about server types? What won?
There was no clear winner. And honestly, between the votes for "none" and the feedback we got through the Herald, the real winner was "stick to the server types you have and work on those." So we are.
Why do you patch on Wednesdays?
Because a lot of players pointed out that we'd been patching on Tuesdays for two years and it was time to switch to another day.
My question is about the Fireworks item. I have currently purchased some and have yet to see them work. When selected and type /use for about two seconds, I hear the fireworks noise and that's it.
Make sure you've got your spell effects turned on in the options menu. It doesn't hurt to try logging out and making sure your spell effects are turned on in the menu you access from the character selection screen. However, if you've tried that, and you still can't see the fireworks, please send a bug appeal with your character/server names, and your system specs - there have been some bug reports about the fireworks, and we can't fix the problem until we duplicate the problem. Thanks in advance for your help.
I am planning to come to the Seattle fan event and ask about Bainshees.
Would it help if I told you that all we're going to be able to tell you is that we're working on the LOS issue as I type this, and that we're not nerfing the class until we fix more of the LOS issues?
I am curious why I cannot find any New Frontiers stats for the Classic servers, posted on the Herald.
When you click the Realm War tab there at the top, the Classic servers are indeed missing from the list. It's on the list, and will happen someday. (And if you happen to be a web programmer… we're hiring! ) However, until we get them there, you can get to the Classic server stats by clicking the server name in the status list on the right sidebar of the Herald.
Hello. Shouldn't artifacts that level in 'mainland dungeons' (like, say, Traitor's Dagger) also level in Brimstone Caverns? Would this not be a mainland dungeon (albeit a new one)? Thanks.
I'd answer the question, but apparently we're making changes to artifact leveling system in 1.81 (going live in December, notes appearing on Pendragon in the next few weeks). Anything I say will soon be null, so just watch the Herald for the new notes.
I promised Swanny I would plug this link:
And while I'm plugging links:
Sorry it's a bit short and a bit late - I'm typing this from a hotel room in Seattle, Washington, as I prepare (along with the Moderately Evil Overlord) for tomorrow's Roundtable Roadtrip. I've never been to this city before, being 100% an East Coast kind of girl, and I'm really enjoying the heck out of it.
If you're not going to be able to make it to our last "real life" event in 2005, why not attend one of our virtual events? Missy and Kunou have got some fun things planned, and unless you click the Community News tab there at the top of the page, you're going to miss out. Click it! Click it!
See you next week, everyone.