Welcome, dear friends, to the return of the Friday Grab Bag!
Our allies over on PostCount ( http://www.postcount.net ) have been working with our community members to gather questions from Dark Age of Camelot players so that the Devs can provide their answers.
We have selected 5 questions (in old school Grab Bag fashion) to post here on the Camelot Herald. If you would like to participate by submitting a question we strongly encourage you to visit the PostCount fansite where you will also be able to see the full version (link to the full version below)!
Please click the 'More' link on this post to read through the questions and answers.
A big thank you to our friends at Post Count as well as to those of you that took the time to submit your thoughtful and interesting questions. We hope you continue to do so! Now! Onto the questions!